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Overall, this game is pretty good. I'm a huge Star Wars fan and I love the Complete Saga so I tried to temper my expectations for this game. I knew it could never live up to the version of the game that I can imagine without the limits of time, resources, or practicality.

It's definitely not perfect. The levels are very short, most of them are vehicle levels and are over in a matter of minutes. The concept of character classes is interesting but the implementation is a bit off. A lot of the old abilities are gone and the new abilities are shoehorned onto characters just because they broadly fit into a class even if it doesn't make sense for them.

But in the end those don't detract from the experience too much and I understand that concessions had to be made. Where the game really shines is in the open world and attention to detail. All the planets are fun to explore and brimming with detail. You can tell a lot of care was put into it. The character roster is massive and full of obscure characters like Mister Bones and Jubnuk that is a real treat for diehard fans.

The combat system is also surprisingly fun, although most encounters are so easy you don't get many opportunities to dig into it. The humor and writing were pretty on point. While obviously geared to a young audience, I still got a chuckle out of it pretty often. It's a great game, just don't go in with sky-high expectations.