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I was surprised by how much I disliked this game. The graphics are amazing and the combat can be fun sometimes but those are the only real positives here. While there are quite a few thoughtfully designed combat encounters, the game is also full of boring or pointless ones as well.

Between fights there are also long stretches of uneventful, paper-thin "exploration" that drag on for way too long or the occasional forgettable puzzle. Occasionally you will fight werewolves but the mechanics are pretty bad. Either a couple werewolves will take turns charging at you, giving you ample time to dodge and shoot them as they run away or you fight them in a QTE.

The story is also pretty nonsensical and would be resolved very quickly if people would just explain things to each other. The Order has one of the most unlikeable casts of characters that I've ever encountered. Pretty much everyone sucks for various reasons and Galahad is one of the worst protagonists I've seen in a while. Multiple missions involve murdering innocent people because "there's no other way" which reaches its nadir in one mission which involves trying to save a zeppelin by hijacking it and murdering the innocent guards before the rebels can I guess? It also has an unsatisfying ending that blatantly sets up a sequel that will never happen.