Nothing particularly stood out to me about this game when it first came out but I've come to appreciate it

Nothing spectacular about anything but the gameplay and visuals, they carry the experience.

I liked this game more than I expected

I thought the crossover costumes were pretty incredible for a licensed Nintendo game honestly

In my eyes this is one of the scariest horror games for some reason, scarred me in more ways that one

Kirby games aren't that thought-provoking or interesting but they are relaxing, and that's all they really need to be entertaining

The amount of time I spent playing this game at home instead of going out with friends is kind of embarrassing

Favorite Kirby game, it was an easy game to carry around, I like the gimmick, it was relaxing, and most importantly it's nostalgic to me


This is the one and only rhythm game I actually enjoy, if I'm ever bored I just pop in a song I heard from a recent anime I've watched and play a difficulty I'm not able to beat for an hour. It doesn't get much better than that

I actually hate this game it's just because my friends enjoy it that I actually play it

Based on my single player experience