5 Reviews liked by TopHatter

9 hours of kurt cobain chasing u with two guns and claiming that the apartment u live in is actually his mum. great game

A really solid first half completely ruined by its second act. Making the player go back through areas we’ve already visited not only removes tension because we already know what’s coming, but it’s made painfully annoying by having the entire back half of the game be an escort mission. The frustration I felt completely overshadowed any genuinely good moments I had by the end of the game.

I'm glad this is the final fnaf game it's a great game and I'm so happy they didn't decide to continue the story in an extremely stupid way or something

Não essa nota não é uma piada. Undertale pra mim é O MELHOR JOGO INDIE DA HISTÓRIA, ele é criativíssimo e quebra tantos paradigmas dos RPGs e jogos no geral que fica impossível citar em uma reviewzinha só. Ridículo o tratamento que esse jogo recebe só por ter uma comunidade nojenta e deplorável.