Does it give wii sports a run for its money??? No, but it was still pretty decent, and utilized the Wii U pad in fun ways.

Being bowser was silly

Decent action, amazing sound design, and one of most unique stories I’ve played in a game before

Amazing characters and social mechanics, decent story, and while not the most in depth, the combat was really fun. I can definitely see myself playing the other houses later on.

I remember having a blast playing this on my school computer. It probably died for a reason tho

I’ve accepted that I’m trash and just have a fun little time

Great community! Got told to kill myself in my first match

Amazing action set pieces, spectacular traversal with the addition of web gliding, and decent story and characters

Takes almost everything its predecessor does and improves on it. Just love these characters man. Could sit and listen to them waffle for days.

Don't usually play sports games, but come on man, he dunk duh ball so funnily

Rating off complete nostalgia of having giant warfare battles against my brothers and my dad

Gets often written off from the Arkham series, but I think it stands its own ground. It doesn't necessarily have a unique identity like the others in the series, but the combat feels nice as always, It has some of the best boss fights in the series, and oh my god, I love Batman in this, he's so him. If I had to say some bad things, the map is a slog to travel across, and by far the most buggy and glitchy for me in the series.

never got the craze for this one

this game is such a childhood fever dream