prefer watching cracked players break the game more than playing, but still has a pretty good map and mission selection


When the action is flowing, it feels really good, but I sometimes feel the action is a little repetitive.

felt very sluggish compared to the fluid games from Rocksteady's past


Would be better if people weren't wasting server bandwidth playing in the dirt with bugs.

Just Smash but on the wii poo

Babies first driving game. I'm baby

Wish I played in vr, but still pretty fun. Basically John wick simulator

Two things I personally feel are pretty over saturated mixed together, mediocre survival game and zombies.

Pretty decent considering it’s a newer Lego game. Don’t really remember what happened tho, so still not is iconic as the older ones.

Better than a lot of other co op games in this genre, but still not my cup of tea

It’s a classic man. Whoever decided to make PvZ a shooter might be the smartest person alive.