Better than a lot of other co op games in this genre, but still not my cup of tea

It’s a classic man. Whoever decided to make PvZ a shooter might be the smartest person alive.

The first time I took online battles seriously. Has been awhile since I played it, but I remember liking it.

Decent plant and local additions, but the greed killed it

Probably my fav. Oshawott da goat

Never played the original, but dis one of favs

Never really got down to the meat of it, but still think it’s a fun game

The only thing I remember is competing with all my brothers to see who get the farthest ramp. Peak

Enjoyed the beta then was crickets when the game came out

Enjoyed the beginning but the puzzles and gameplay got derivative quickly

Absolutely terrible boss fights, mid story, mid set pieces, but it was my first resident evil and its resident evil with a friend so at least it’s got that going for it

Not a big rouge like person, but this one was decent

One of the only games I’ve seen my dad play and beat. Issa classic

A couple hours of silliness