This was incredibly fun, I love any racing game with combat and this absolutely nailed that. Getting an instakill with a sniper rifle in a kart racer battle mode is a feeling I have never felt before and will be yearning to feel again.

>Game is entirely boss fights
>None of them past Little Feet are fun

This game is a charming condensed retelling of Part 5. It's "kinda shitty but cool" graphics and music and voice acting is all really nice, and you can tell they were fans of the source material but whenever I had to actually play the game I felt like I was going insane. The game's big mechanic is "Secret Factor" where you gotta recreate the events of the manga in order to get more health and strength for each mission. Cool idea on paper except it's super finicky. Ghiaccio I still have no idea what exactly triggers his "Secret Factor" stuff, I had guides and watched videos and it still felt completely random when it would or would not activate. Man in the Mirror might actually be the worst boss fight I've ever played in my life. Three fucking levels of reversed control gimmicks in a row. Watch the cutscenes on youtube

I thought this game was boring when I played it like 6-7 years ago and I think Neil Druckmann and his philosophies have caused catastrophic damage to the entire art of video games

Super Metroid, imma let you finish, but SotN is the greatest Metroidvania of ALL TIME

A little sloppy, but ambitious and overall mostly fun.


Really fun and creative short RPG Maker game with nice art direction. Wish it gave you a few more hints on how exactly to get each ending because it can be very cryptic without a guide. Good time though. Garry's my goat.

I genuinely really love Dig Dug 2 I think it’s fun to collapse the islands and any problem with it is also in Dig Dug 1

The game's pretty fun but it's also like actually really racist for like no reason like wtf Hudson

This is not a video game. This is a nightmare.