27 Reviews liked by TreyParkerPosey

[fear factory blaring in the distance]

No clue why the game says it hasn't been released since it's been out since, like, 2007 or something. Anyways...

This is a pretty excellent point-and-click escape with a super interesting story, an unexpectedly great soundtrack, and an unbeatable Flash game aesthetic and atmosphere. I remember being 10 finding Chapters 1-4 on Andkon Arcade and being absolutely obsessed with the games, with Chapter 4 ending on a serious cliffhanger that had me emailing the game's creator asking when Chapter 5 would come out.

When it finally came out in 2013 along with the game's mobile port, I was sort of disappointed, as I feel the story took a bit of a bizarre turn, but I've appreciated it a bit more as time as passed.

Was made somewhat antiquated with L4D2 but still can't forget how that game became reality in the first place, even if this game does seem limited in comparison.

The best Mario game in my honest opinion. Balances the cheerful and wonderful scope of Super Mario 64 in a much more challenging light.

Don't even really know where to begin or what to do with this review to be honest since everything's kind of already been said. One of the first games I had on my 360 and it totally opened up a new avenue of gaming for me, and as I've gotten older, I've developed an ongoingly deeper appreciation for everything in the game, for its mechanics, soundtrack, atmosphere, art style, themes and allegories.

I think the bottom of the skill window for DJ Hero was a bit higher as I feel like the turntable was a bit more physically demanding compared to GH's controller. The mechanics aren't as "easy to learn, hard to master" here, but it still allowed for a lot of super fun gameplay that offers a really cool spin (hehe) on the contemporary rhythm games at the time that were a lot more rock-centric, lined with lots of great turntabilists and the super fun mixes they provided.

More of the same, I think. I do think the first game has the superior music though, even though I find myself remembering more mixes from this game. Thanks DJ Hero 2 for introducing me to DJ Shadow's Entroducing via Midnight In A Perfect World, still one of my all time favorites to this day.

I don't know why there was this huge obsession in the late 2000s with watching people hurt themselves in these giant obstacle courses. Wipeout, American Ninja Warrior, MXC (kinda) and this game.

Anyways, XBLA games that let you use your avatar always got bonus points from me. The way the game controlled felt very wonky at times though, which is pretty bad news for a platformer.

Also, Doritos make da best games

I mostly remember the game having a super sudden ending and being kind of upset you couldn't "free roam" after you were finished the story. Still not a bad alternate look at the Club Penguin world.

Everytime I played this at school with one of my friends, it almost always seemed like they have way cooler gear/toys/whatnot than me and I never knew how to get it.

Anyways, one full star added for the bathing music.

As many games like it are, fun with friends. The pure morbid nature of the game and its humor regarding that leads to a lot of moments that are both bizarre and hilarious. It makes the game a weird mixture of funny and competitive when you play with friends. Seems like my friends and I are always looking for these strange co-op/small scale PvP games to play like this. Although nothing in that respect can make me ignore the pretty bad controls and the aggressively weird graphics/art style.