Wandersong... Wandersong... Truly you are a treasure.

(I have more hours on switch than I do on here-- YEAH I BOUGHT IT LIKE 3 TIMES)

I remember seeing the kickstarter for this eons ago. I wasn't quite sure what to make of it at the time and it passed like many of the other boosted games that came tumbling down my timeline.

Later on, some friends of mine suggested I play it back when it first came out.
Sadly, I got given some of the worst out of context info to do so . It was only a song linked to me but, it deterred me since I didn't really know the context. I was a stickler for spoilers and misinterpreted the song Entirely.
I ended up not playing until around January or so.

God I was a fool for not playing earlier.

This game is FANTASTIC in so many ways.
It's simple yet effective. The colors are delicious, the storytelling is charming, the mechanics are relatively straight-forward and easy to understand once you grasp what it wants you to do.
Best of all? This game made me feel. It made me learn-- both about myself and the world I participate in.

I was hitting a pretty dark place mentally when Wandersong came into my life. It hit a lot of sore spots then kissed the wounds to bandage them up. It said to me... "you're not as big and important as those other guys.. but that's ok. We all make a difference in our own way."

It saved my mental state and helped me meet the love of my life. I've never been happier since getting into this game. Nothing has done that for me in such a long long time... Thank you Wandersong.

When chapter 4 kicked in-- The ending to 3 sending it off... that part in particular I think is where this game truly hooked me. The twist that seemed so obvious after it came through shot me across the room and seeing a character actually get UPSET adnd WOUNDED by it.
Losing themselves briefly... and the core thing that they try to represent with themselves? That's wonderful story-telling right there. Showing that a character has weakness and illustrating it through their own hometown was so moving... and getting to see the opposite side of that coin come to fruition in later chapters with Miriam--your friendly witch companion-- and her own rooted troubles with self identity and placement in the world as well.

This game is just... It's phenomenal. It comes off as a cheesy platformer-- and it is!! It certainly is! Cheese is a-plenty! But.. it's a good cheese. You can really read,, hear, and feel the heart put into this game and the commentary really sells it afterwards. Reading about Greg's own struggles in making the game from the ground up really made me experience Wandersong in an even brighter light than I already did-- that's amazing!

Please. Please Wandersong. Tell your friends, too!

Mother 3 is a literal masterpiece. I could criticize so much of it but the overall experience is a 5/5 for me.

I wanted to simply Punch Gabe now I want to Smooch Him and Beat Him Up at the same time.