Port keeps crashing and freezing in fights I legit can't beat it. Not that it's any good otherwise.

Game constantly felt like it was going on for too long, not helping is pretty boring cardboard mistaken for characters. The game was hella fun and is what kept me going but everything else felt like a slooooog.

It's "We're totally making 3" and "we had this cool map" and nothing else.

I genuinely thought this game ended on three different occasions and it made me want to die. I do think the concepts here are neat but it definitely feels like a handheld game reusing assets and calling them different routes. Altera cute.

A charming Vita game with SOUL, but it is pretty clunky with how it uses the hardware and kind of expected more. But I guess that's what a second game is for.

The new content is kino, it's a shame it's prefaced with Persona 5 on the Playstation 3 and Playstation 4.