Began playing after finishing Persona 5 Royale.

An amazing game with intricate mechanics and jaw-dropping plot twists. The controls felt like an improvement over the first and I didn't dislike Raiden so I was surprised to find many people did.

One of the most amazing videogame stories in history. Sitting down and playing this game was a truly amazing experience; it was a gift that kept on giving. The conflicts of loyalty vs one own's moral compass were exemplified perfectly in this game and left me wanting to play more to see how the story would develop.

I remember playing this with my brothers as one of the first games we bought when we got a PS4 during our first Christmas in the United States. Very fond memories.

I did not find this game to be bad at all but for some reason, I could not get myself to keep on playing.

I lost interest in this game but perhaps I will come back to play it. I only made it to halfway to Arkham Asylum.

A stupendous send-off to the Dark Souls saga. The music and boss battles of this final game are of the highest quality. They were so cinematic they transported me to the arena in which they took place. Can't wait to play again.

This game made me realize I do not dislike Metroidvania-style platformers. The music, pixel art, and voice acting were top-notch. The gameplay, although challenging was very fun as well.

Picked it up since I was craving something similar to Blasphemous and was on sale but I lost interest.

It seems interesting but will have to play more to form an opinion.

I picked up a while ago but got stuck on the apocalyptic future and lost interest.

Was playing this on my PlayStation and is not too bad. Might play more later.

One of the classic games I put on my 3DS despite having played the objectively better remake beforehand. I sometimes pick it up and play a little but I doubt I'll ever finish it, but that's not to say this game is bad at all. It is the superior version of all Generation 2 games and still amazes me how they managed to add all of Kanto into it.

Platinum was the first game I decided to play once I got back into Pokemon during the summer of the pandemic. It was a fun experience and I'm glad I chose it to start my Pokemon marathon. Cynthia's pre-battle theme and Etherna Forest's music are some of the best tracks!

The game that started it all. I got it on my 3DS and started it but I will probably not pick it up again. I don't think there is a reason to pick it up when Fire Red exists.