The guys are hot but the porn is a little boring. It's so pay-to-win that I just cheated and gave myself unlimited gems.

I'm convinced this game is a virus. My friends and I got a great laugh out of it though!

The porn would've been more spicy if they didn't give you a switch to unlock it all after the tutorial. I probably would've been more turned on by the shotty art if I had to work for it.

The stories were a little boring and I skipped all of them. However, the porn? Hot. If you're into furry yoai it won't hurt to play. It goes on sale often. The gameplay is very uninspired, however, I enjoy addicting gameplay loops like Candy Crush so I was okay with it. Also, hot tip, I recommend not going for the epilogue puzzles. They're really hard and the reward is just a little softcore.

I couldn't get the game to work, so uh, yeah. Besides that, per my knowledge, this is a game mocking queerness and not for queers. So, definitely NOT worth it.

I personally cannot get into it at all, the beginning is so slow!! I've tried making it through like 7 times and I've either quit or fast-forwarded the text every single time. 1 Star instead of a half star cause it could be good, I'll just never know.

One of the best gay porn games ever made. Just try it for yourself.

Got it to play with friends, my sad little laptop couldn't handle it LMAO.

First things first, the time played below is only my limited time with the Steam version. I've been playing this magnificent game since 2012 online. This game is just peak.

There's not much to say that already hasn't. My opinion is similar to that of the majority; it came out at the perfect time but lacks the soul/substance of past entries. I've had a lot of fun playing this with friends, and still do from time to time, however actually playing alone got boring the second I got my greedy hands on a surplus of money and items. What else was there to do? Talk to my 10 dreamies I traded for just so they could all say the same lines? Sure.

It's not my type of game but I have it to play with friends.

Call me a sucker for fan service but I very much enjoyed this game. I have a lot of complaints about the other Danganronpa titles, but one thing that I always appreciated was the characters. Not all of them of course, remember Danganronpa has some of the craziest writers of all time. But there were some characters I grew really attached to, just cool designs and concepts to enjoy. So to have a game where they can interact with other personalities for a seemingly infinite amount of time? Sign me up.

Great for playing with friends, other than that it's just Mario Kart!

Fun at first but super repetitive and even boring. The story is boring and predictable as well. There are good spots, hence the 2.5 stars, but in my eyes this game is super overrated.

Despite having some of the cutest new Pokemon in the franchise, Pokemon Sword & Shield is really bogged down by its garbage characters and story. I have it at 3 stars simply because of the fun I had with friends in it, as well as my shiny hunting. Besides that, just watch a Let's Play and make fun of the game.