6 reviews liked by UltimateThug

This is a very buggy, repetitive, and at times just ugly game. Making the player complete the same tasks over and over again for around 30 hours is a decision that shouldn’t have been made in any world. I had so many loading screens hang on black and had a 60% chance after finishing every mission of the camera being stuck somewhere while I can still move Lincoln around. At night, the city comes alive but during the day it doesn’t look great at all, especially when it’s raining.

Now, why would I give it four stars even after all that bitching? Because the gameplay loop is incredibly addictive, it’s better written than most games I’ve played including it’s obvious inspiration of GTA, the soundtracks both licensed and original are stellar, and it nailed its setting perfectly.

The guns pack a punch and feel incredible. The violence is blunt and brutal in a way that most games shy away from. It’s stylized like the mafia movies it’s paying homage to, nailing it in the same way GTA IV did.

It feels nails the driving feeling better than 90% of games with almost every vehicle riding the line perfectly of feeling like you’re barely in control of this giant hunk of metal speeding down the road while simultaneously never feeling entirely too out of control.

Hanger 13 could have easily shied away from the harder to stomach parts of the civil rights era American South, but the honesty in which they portrayed the fucking evil of the time (which sadly has never really gone away), is hard to stomach, but commendable. The amount of slurs you hear per minute of game is shocking but for the time I’d imagine fairly accurate, and in my opinion would probably have taken away from the authenticity they were going for if they pulled those punches.

The writing is incredible and the amount of care they put into every one of the characters, even the evil ones, don’t ever too far into the cartoony.

It’s also worth mentioning how the DLCs are just incredibly well done mini campaigns that each have a new side activity to sink money into.

I can perfectly understand why people don’t like this game, but I enjoyed it quite a lot. I’m glad I gave it a shot despite all the negativity I’ve heard about it over the years.

Decent enough multiplayer game but didn't keep me hooked for that long. Love that smart pistol though and I'll always make a bit of time for multiplayer mech games. Why the fuck did all the audio need to be uncompressed, though?

In addition to having one of the best stories in the franchise, the combat is the best and the most fun they've ever done (I loved the tag team😔❤)

do you like resident evil 4?
do you like the first couple alien movies?
do you like the comic book writers, warren ellis and rick remender? (if you dont know who they are, please check out their works)

the game can get a bit repetitive, but frankly its a better resident evil 6 than resident evil 6

just buy this game already

also if you're playing on PC (which you should), you will need to download a fix for the mouse acceleration and fiddle with some things to limit the framerate to 60fps, as the game has some major issues if you have a framerate any higher
but if you go to the pc gaming wiki page for dead space, you can figure everything out, its not hard and only takes a couple minutes

Arguably the best combat sports game I've ever played. I wish they'd get these guys to develop the new UFC games. Those are shite.

The combat is much better than the first one but the story is not imo. The graphics are superb and still hold up today and Starkiller's arc is done justice imo. Don't think it deserves the hate it gets as it's still good