Very neat little game. Plays like the GBC Zelda games. Most of your time is spent exploring different worlds and clearing dungeons. The main goal of the game is to finds cards that are scattered throughout the game world. You'll need to collect 36 cards in order to finish the game (though there's more than 36 cards in total). After the credits you'll be put into a post game. Here you'll be free to find the rest of the games cards. As well as some easter eggs and secret areas. You'll do this with a new mechanic. I don't want to spoil it but its one of the coolest things I've seen in years. The story itself is pretty cryptic. Theres not a lot of interactions with others characters. Theres a few recurring characters but they don't really say very much until the end. It leaves a lot to interpretation. Honestly I'm not really sure what it was about. As for problems with the game I've only really got some nit picks. The games a little buggy. At least on Playstation 4 most of the trophies seem to be broken. Only about half the trophies for beating bosses unlocked for me. I think dying to a boss repeatedly might be what bugs their trophy. Since all the trophies I did get were from bosses I beat my first try.

This game is entirely carried by its likeable protagonist and iconic ending. The story is an underdeveloped mess. It's paced terribly. The story jumps from one plot point to the next. The game never really slows down long enough for you to get to know any of the characters. Their motivations are kind of waved away. The game has all these new characters and I feel like I don't know anything about them. I feel like the game needed to be twice as long and have a much slower pace. They should have really focused on fleshing out Zacks relationships.

I still regularly think about the original ending for this game. Even 15 years after I originally played it. It was the first time I was truly shocked by a piece of media. I remember little kid me running into the living room and trying to explain the ending to my dad. I don't think he cared very much but I just need to tell whoever I could about it. Its like I didn't know how to process what I'd seen. Looking back it way very silly but its a childhood memory that stuck with me all these years.