169 Reviews liked by Umutyl



Good combination of rogue-lite and metroidvania.

Plays a disabled girls dating visual novel and It makes you cry, now you want a disabled girlfriend...


For those looking for a HD Half Life experience but don't want it as modern as Black Mesa or as shiny as the RTX mod. It's fine!

A very well cooked fast-paced game.

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shooty shooty stab stab woo

Remedy did a great job as usual.



terrible fps drops
terrible loading screen times...
terrible level design
and why we don't have a fockin quick save

only good thing about game is musics and cinematography, story is also good aswell

i know it's so realistic etc.. but it's not fun

aged horribly bad and completely torture right now...
play remake instead of this...

Story is continuing and chill as former one.

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Shale my mannnn or shall I say women!?

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Rest in peace my king...

Probably the best premium content in the game.

Overall DLC is good, but there are some really annoying bugs that effects your gameplay (If you're exporting your previous save file ofc, this problem only occures with save transferred game) so keep that in mind.