Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

47 days

Last played

April 9, 2023

First played

February 20, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


(As a disclaimer, I spent like $40 to get the diamond miner, which helped with unlocking pokeomon and decorations to help boost progress. You probably don't need to do that to have a good time, but it made some of the grind a bit less tedious.)

It doesn't do anything spectacular on its own, but I won't deny that it's addicting. There's just something about raising these Magikarp faster and faster while making them stronger that feels good.

As with almost any mobile game, you can skip this one and lose nothing. For me, though, I got a good amount of enjoyment out of this, and will probably keep playing it until I max out everything.

Give it a shot if you like grinding games and funny fish.