pretty harrowing that michael cera has to deal with this every time he leaves the house

Great, now if we could just get full length campaigns for, like, D.Va or Winston, we'll be getting somewhere.

duke nukem better show up in control 2

quantum break… alan wake… sam lake… giant snake, birthday cake, large fries, chocolate shake

vortex grenades you during your villain monologue

do all siblings control like this? (im an only child)

this is what it feels like being 5'6

i like pressing the buttons

let me make my car hit the griddy

does this game just have a constant VFX randomizer running during cinematics

this is so cute i wish strawberries were real

the memory shard screenshot feature needs to be in every metroidvania from now on

Max murders mercenaries... motive? must make Mona moan

that so-called "author" Alan Wake blatantly ripped off this game for his Alex Casey novels, what a hack