11 reviews liked by VanHampton100

Great game with amazing twists and unpopular opinion: I liked the ending??? The gameplay was the best and Kaido is easily my fav character out of the whole trilogy!

seriously convinced me that FICTION IS REAL BECAUSE OF HOW IT CHANGES YOU AS A PERSON idc what anybody says this game is fucking incredible the best main cast of any DR and the best overall story

From the outside, the building looks fairly ugly. As you step inside, you realize that you've never felt so compelled to understand how something so mundane fills you with such joy. Upon closer inspection, you discover that the entire thing is put together with duct tape and chewing gum. This just leaves you more impressed.

Ah I remember playing this back in the day with some friendly Vietcongs.

Oh my god this is so good oh no it's been my whole day oh no

A fan recreation that ended up becoming the definitive version. This is the premiere timewaster. Nothing else comes close.

Like pokemon snap but instead of pokemons you take photos of trade secrets

108 characters and Gremio still won't leave my party