Great game honestly holds up well

Will kick your ass though on stage 2

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Okay so this game was actually fun and youd wouldnt expect it lol. Love the eggman fight you legit blow up this mans car and he just runs lmao

Not a bad game really loved seeing ray and mighty but that final stage was stupid

Great game. The story was a step up and the characters were great. I mean the MJ moments were fun which i thought i was going to hate. Cant wait for the 3rd game.

Its the best game

The Music is amazing.
The boss fights are fun and dont get boring.
Plus the story is really good too.

Was not that bad

If konami actually focused on doing there own thing for silent hill it can work

The story was dark and great. Loved the characters. Will say got jumped scared once lol

i reccomend it

Great little racing game for the game gear. I was shocked not many have talked about it. I liked how short it was too. Plus the music was a vibe as well.

Better then Overwatch 2

The game was more alive, The characters had a balance before getting the worst nerfs sometimes, I just wish they would of kept the Overwatch 1 servers instead of making a second one

Wanna make pop corn with sonic and tails and beat eggman at the same time well now you can

What was sega on for real i wanna be in the board room when this game came out.

Okay so this game aint that bad tbh

The Music is great which is a plus for me but when has sega messed up songs i mean hell even sonic's bad games have good music.

The bosses were fun kinda wish the last boss was more of a challange i mean i died once to him but then i found his weakness. I still think Sonic 2 had the hardest final Boss.

Also the animated OP was my fav to see and the opening song was a vibe.

Id reccomend it maybe not on the sega CD itsself but on something more modern.

You know this shouldnt have worked but it did. plus it was a fun eggman fight at the end!

I wish they did more sonic games like this.

Played it

Stage 1 was okay
stage 2 went terrible got lost and kept dying and then i gave up

Great Game holds up well. Music is great too the now the one boss fight i did partake in it was pretty fun ngl

Another game that I think everyone should play is Bully. If you want a GTA approach with a school setting, then Bully is it. The class system is fun, and the missions are enjoyable. I really want this game to get a sequel, but I don't see how or if it will happen. However, please try this game and play Scholarship Edition. I know on PS4 they have the PS2 version, and while it's the same game to an extent, Scholarship Edition has more stuff to offer.

"I feel like if you didn't grow up with a PC or an Xbox 360, you definitely missed out on a great zombie game that I still think holds up to this day. The characters are great, and the story that is there is fantastic. So many memories of playing with friends that you can still laugh at over the years. Now, when you get to PC, the modding moments are even greater, which just brings the game even more alive

I will keep playing this no matter what but its really fun