It without a doubt isn't a very good game, but I had a lot more fun with it than I was expecting. It's so stupidly over the top that when the poor level design isn't ruining everything it's actually pretty enjoyable. It's reasonably criticized but definitely overhated.

I still want to have sexual intercourse with Raiden

I want to have sexual intercourse with Raiden

Yakuza mod was epic I liked when Kiryu sang dame da ne so good

The puzzles really pissed me off, but it felt so rewarding getting to the end. I'm probably never going to beat the dlc though.

Sad but I had fun if I turned my brain off and played as Shadow and ignored the godawful level design

Lots of cool references and fanservice but no couch multiplayer and awful online support makes this game hard to want to come back to, real shame since 3d fighters can bring a lot to the table

This game was fucking awesome as a 7 year old

This game is kinda like a guilty pleasure, it's not at all well balanced and the support for this game isn't great either, but it is still fun sometimes and I play it somewhat often. It has a pretty decent premise and a lore that has the potential to be fleshed out in a great way but this game isn't as good as it could be.

I have a lot to praise about this game but the only complaint I have is that after getting the 1000 knives ability all other abilities for the most part are more of a hindrance in boss fights, so it's a bit of a shame there's not more variety to your strategy in fights. Despite this, it wasn't enough to stop me from enjoying the challenging bosses and the boss rush mode you unlock after getting the true ending makes up for that and makes it fun to go back fighting the bosses at your full power as fast as possible.