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Time Played

80h 0m

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It still holds up, but has a lot of issues.

It is surprisingly difficult for a children's game. The checkpoints are forgiving but there is a lot of precise jumps and platforming in many areas. The controls can be stiff. The time challenges in particular are frustrating.

Content wise the game is pretty solid. You have tons of minigames and modes, like the ball rolling, Patrick platforming sections, etc, there is driving in the Patty Wagon and the slide levels. Theres lots of unlocks, costumes, artwork, you name it. It is somewhat similar to Metroid where you want to go back and revisit old areas with the new abilities you get to find more unlocks and tokens

The token system in general is annoying. Locking the main story behind grinding these out. But it was never that hard to get them, just took some time.

Presentation wise, it dosent feel like the movie all the time, but for the most part they got a lot of the locations down. Lots of new enemies designed for the game.

The soundtrack alone gives this game a bonus point. I don't know why they went so hard on the tunes, but they are still great listens even today.

It's a solid platformer with a lot to like despite it's flaws