I feel like this one sentence took more effort to write than how this game was developed.

An utter pile of garbage.

It starts fine. The controls are pretty damn good. Aiming feels smooth and shooting is punchy. that's really the only positive here.

It's butt ugly to start. Everything is poop brown or vomit color. I think this was a PSP game? It shows.

It has no real story. It's an arcade shooter. That would be fine if it was a fun arcade shooter. But this has some of the worst level design I've seen in a game.

It's punishingly hard. You die absurdly fast even on normal mode. And the enemy respawns are basically infinite. The levels are so LONG too. No checkpoints?? Whenever I died I had to repeat the last 10 minutes. It was terrible.

It has good controls but that can't save a terrible core experience.

I usually finish everything I play eventually, but I can't with this one. No thank you, goodbye.

I'm gonna say it, I don't care: I like this more than Mario Kart 8.

Im baffled, I barely even know why. It has such good variety. I love the dynamic way you shift from driving, flying and sailing. The boss fights are actually pretty tough and hold your attention. It has good content and challenges and unlocking new characters feels good.

The courses are awesome, recreating old school Sega locations and creating something fresh and new to run around in.

If this game had some kind of vehicle customization, (not the stats) it would be amazing. As is, it's still great though!

Hot take review:

I like Mario Kart 8, but I do not love it. This game is just missing something, an allure to keep me playing. It has great controls and tons of customization. The roster is decent. It's beautiful to look at and listen to. So what is it missing?

I think the courses aren't as fun this time: they either feel too expansive with not a lot going on, or they're really tight with hard turns. This is not applicable to every course mind you, but I feel like they don't stand out as much anymore. This game sorta just blends stuff together and everything can get kinda samey.

Battle Mode was so bad on Wii U they had to retool it into something better. But even still I don't find it that fun. Maybe just the courses again.

I think my biggest issue, and this isn't a fault of the game, is that they continued to bloat it with DLC for over 5 years when they could have just made another game. They're probably just waiting for the next system to do that though. But it's gonna make the next Mario kart feel small in comparison.

I think it's fun, but in bursts. Not really long term.

Hard to complain about this one. This one feels really good to play. The controls are so tight and snappy, and the karts and bikes add good variety. Cars are def too underpowered though. Bikes having inside drift is too strong.

The courses though are all great. I don't think there's a single bad track in this game honestly, maybe I'm forgetting about one. And it felt good to unlock stuff.

Really love it. Double Dash is still the king for me though, mainly out of bias, but also just finding it more fun in general.

Honestly a banger. Fun courses, cool roster. The mission mode is easily the highlight here. Something they 100% need to bring back.

Mechanically though, I don't think it's the most fun Mario kart. It's excusable since it's on a handheld though, pretty impressive what was achieved here.

I have vague memories of playing this with my cousin when we traveled to see them. I only recently got the game for myself on Wii U so I can experience the full thing!

Imagine if a game came out, with Double Dash mechanics but it also had DS's mission mode: oh wow. Now that's an idea...

Way better than Complete Saga on DS. It looks and runs better, it has actual cutscenes instead of still images, and it manages to feel fun in its own way without being strictly copied from the console version. I played it years ago but I have fond memories of it. I did 100% this one as well. So I'm nostalgic for it. I've actually never played the console versions before, just this one.

Blowing into the mic was weird though. I'm glad they stopped doing that.

It reminded me a lot of Deadly Premonitions, in both the good and bad way. It's a very engaging experience with a lot of cool gimmicks and a unique vision for the story. It's abstract and out there.

Mechanically it's super simple and slow. The levels are all mostly tedious, but they at least attempt to throw in variety with the driving, and the more open maps.

I think overall it isn't really a great game, but I just like something about it. It's very endearing. The story leaves you wanting to know what will happen. It's paced pretty well honestly.

I'd love to play the sequel some day, but this was decent in its own right. Any game that reminds me of Deadly Premonitions gets brownie points.

Loved this game! I wasent expecting it to be so charming and funny but it was, it's a very light horror game that's mostly played as a comedy. But it's fine because they did a great job with it. The 2 leads are very likeable and have great chemistry and vocal performances. I was convinced it was Troy Baker as... Nash I think his name was? It's Josh Cowdery who I'm unfamiliar with, but he did an excellent job.

The game has a great style and an awesome soundtrack. And it was fun slowly exploring the station and seeing things very slowly escalate into more scary conflicts. One thing I also liked is that you can pick up anything and just dump it into the main room, so if you see something you might need later you can bring it with you.

The puzzles are clever in design. The whole premise in general is just so fun. It's rare for a game to start and I'm just immediately grinning going "oh hell yeah I love where this is going." It's silly but they know it is, they run with it. That's why it works.

I think there are some moments that are too hamfisted? And I think it could have been scarier. It's great as is, but the mix is a bit off.

Otherwise, I liked it a lot! I think it's an awesome title for people who want to get into horror with something light.

Oh I got a real bone to pick with this one.

I have never played Until Dawn, but like many i watched many playthroughs, so I know a lot about it, and I think that game is actually great example of a contrived concept that they ran with and ended up making special. You start hating the dialouge and characters but then you realize it was misdirection to lower your guard for when the cool stuff happens.

So then you get to Man of Medan but the problem is that there isn't any point where the story gets better. It starts fairly interesting and then when it's over you don't feel like anything happened.

None of the characters are likeable aside from the dorky brother. The captain was also pretty. Depending on your choices you may not even see one of them that much.

This game just felt really padded and stretched out. And the jumpscares are obnoxious. Games like this make me consider that Until Dawn was a happy accident, because all of the anthology games are so bland and similar to each other: long boring hallways with loud annoying jumpscares. Mechanically it's similar to Until Dawn but it's lacking any of the substance that was there.

The FINAL DECISION IS THE STUPIDEST THING IVE EVER SEEN- to get the good ending you have to FAIL the quick time event????!!!!! The only time in the entire game where you're suppose to. Yeah, no thanks.

Just stick to Until Dawn and don't think about this one.

This game is amazing and I love it and it's so underrated and cool.

The online service is down so it's a shame no one can experience what it used to be anymore: finding players in the map where they died and became zombies. And the notes on the walls that were cryptic but also informative.

This is one of the only Wii U games that actually took advantage of the hardware. It wasent just a gimmick, it was a way to create an extremely unique type of gameplay dynamic. Looking away from the screen at critical moments when something pops out at you is brilliant. It seems small on paper but it changes the entire core experience.

Visually the environments still look very pretty. Lots of detail and fun to explore. Gameplay with permadeath was intense.

I had so much fun with this game I even beat the survivor mode where if you die once it's a game over. That felt amazing to beat. I survived so many moments with the tiniest sliver of health.

It has issues. It's super janky and buggy. Playing survivor mode is risky bc of game breaking bugs.

But this is one of those times where I look past the bugs. Because the experience I had was unforgettable. One of my favorite zombie games for sure.

During the pandemic, I used Wii Fit U for 2 months straight, every day, and I ended up losing 8 pounds. So that counts for something I suppose. True story.

It's a fun package regardless. In particular I like the way they incorporated games that combine both the gamepad and the balance board. The waiter balancing game was a great idea. The Wii U overall was filled with games that didn't take advantage of its hardware so it's nice that this one did.

My only gripe is that it's hard to set it up when you want to mute the tv and listen to something else. That's what the gamepad in theory is meant to do, be an extra screen while you watch something else. But finding a place to put the gamepad in is cumbersome.

Still, I happen to like this title a lot. And I mean, it did what it was suppose to. It was slow, but I did lose weight.

Not really much to say here. There's extremely minor moments and short levels that don't work. Otherwise it's excellent start to finish. Very cozy and cute and fun. If you want to play Lego Stars Wars this is the way to go.

I have tons of memories here. It's one of the first games I ever played on two separate systems. I'd get it as a child from the library on pc, then when I was older I got it for my GameCube. Something I learned when you get the GameCube version, or rather the console versions in general is that it detects your save from the first game and can merge the characters into free play. So this game is like a mini version of the Complete Saga in a way.

There are some levels in this game I don't find as fun compared to one, but it has the character creator and more content. It's more charming overall. Just in general, it is the first game with more.

Great game.

It's a classic, but honestly not really worth revisiting just on its own since Complete Saga exists.

That said, there are a few minor things to note here:

-Darth Vader has Anakin's moveset where he's flipping around like a maniac. In the other games he has his own moves. So that's cool.

-Yoda has the little hovering car thingy instead of jumping. Makes him way faster. I don't know why they never brought it back.

-This particular game was the most fun to get into massive brawls with outside the catina. Maybe it was just the design of the map but it was the most enjoyable to bash people around and flip around.

Otherwise, it's just the first game and it's 3 episodes, with the bonus level being Darth Vader. Great to this day, it's just that this experience is bundled into Complete Saga.