38 Reviews liked by Vasco

Arzette is short, but it's so enjoyable and charming. It had me laughing so much. The voice acting and cutscene animation is spot on for what they are parodying. Also it plays so much better than any of the cdi games it's taken inspiration from. I never once felt frustrated playing it.

Also some of the characters are legitimately designed so well. And even the boss fights can be hilarious at how you beat them.

Very very good and unique little game.

Probably the first game I've played in a while that makes me feel disappointed. Was hoping for a chill, eye-candy puzzle game, and what I got is a clunky, headscratch-inducing and repetitive one.

I do not like how the game controls: selecting which blocks to move can feel very finicky with the analog stick, especially in later parts of the game. And having to hold the X button to put things down gets tiresome quickly. Maybe it would work better with a mouse.

As for the puzzles themselves, it's kinda weird. Most of the time you will have to move your character from start to wherever the goal is, and the act of repeatedly selecting which blocks your character can move to feels mindnumbing to me. The closest thing to good puzzles here are the ones where all you have to do is connect the starting location to the goal with blocks that you character can skate on, since it removes the previous repetitive act. But even then these puzzles don't feel particularly satisfying, stimulating, or interesting. During the story mode, there is no point where I felt like I was doing something fun. I'm truly baffled by it. If I didn't know it was only 2 hours, I would probably bail out midway through.

There's also the creative mode, which allows you to build freely in a 10x10 Lego area. I tried making something nice but the story mode left such a bad taste in my mouth that I just can't really put my mind into it. Bought this on 50% off and I definitely regret it.

This game has some delightful features, the start is so utterly minimal, and I love how it exploits the way your brain processes what you see. It's gentle and highly original.
However, it lacks a compelling narrative or sense of threat, and doesn't have the emotional depth of the studio's other title, What Remains of Edith Finch. It feels more like an intriguing demo than a complete game.
Worth picking up on sale (I got it 70% off on Steam), but might disappoint if you paid full price.

Coming back to the original game of a now massive series is always an interesting experience. In OG Smash Bro's case its impressive to see how much HAL had already gotten right. Still incredibly fun to play in its own way.

Yeah so this game is just really good. The first Picross 3D was already a pretty innovative concept and twist on the Picross puzzle style, and this game just made it even more interesting.

There are a ton of puzzles, the game is much less strict than the first game which allows for you to make a couple mistakes and still get the best rank on a puzzle, no time limit, and there's still some really challenging puzzles.
And then my favorite addition, there's a hint system where the game shows you where there's some logic to be done, but doesn't tell you exactly what that logic is. It basically just removes the tedious looking through every block to see where there's something you missed, which REALLY helps on the larger puzzles. And even better, the game doesn't penalize you for using it at all! So you don't have to avoid using it if you get stuck. It's great.

The graphics are also really cute and fun! The solutions all have a different visual style from the first game, and they're just as charming and cute, if not cuter. I liked it a lot more. The music on the other hand, wasn't my favorite. I started off liking it, but I got tired of most of the tracks pretty quickly, which didn't happen in the first. I was able to just turn the volume down though, so it's fine.

So yeah, this is probably the best picross game I've ever played. Highly recommend if you like Picross.

This game is a remarkable look and how franchises can, and should, grow with their audiences. Never have I ever been so pleasantly suprised by how much a game has impacted me.

Bringing Kirby to a 3D space was a great choice that made for a very entertaining game. The new copy abilities made it very fun to progress through the level. The new achievements to save Waddle Dees during the level allows more replayability and backtracking with multiple abilities, as well as having fun, yet challenging boss fights all throughout the game.

For being such a new experience for the Kirby franchise its incredible how good this game is.

A delightful game. The levels were fun & creative. The game is vibrant, cute. And then SO EPIC. I love how hard Kirby always chooses to go in the final bouts.

My favourite Kirby game so far, and by a long-shot! Levels are creatively imagined, the visuals are gorgeous, and saving Waddle Dees is such a fun activity and way to implement an achievement system into the game. I actively wanted to save them just because it went into my moral conscience as I played the game!

Upgrading abilities is also a treat. I really enjoyed talking with my friends and I played the game and experimenting on bosses to see which abilities worked and how I could utilise them. This game oozes so much cute little charm, and then the finale hits you with FEAR! I love it so much!

This review is so higgledy-piggledy but I swear it's such a good game! Play it! Oh my gosh top tier Switch game!

One of the best 3d platformers out there. The pinnacle of Kirby games, with an amazing story alongside it.

One of, if not, THE BEST rhythm games of all time. The story, although minimal, adds a nice touch of humanity, and the gameplay allows for multiple levels of play. I will note that the DLC tracks, although really good songs, are clearly intended for higher level players who mastered the base game.

i've played an awful lot of picross games, and i can confidently say this is the best out of all of them. challenging without feeling punishing, featuring cozy vibes and cute figurines. highly recommended for both beginners as well as seasoned puzzle veterans. i love this game!

The message was honourable and the artstyle was cool. The gameplay was just kind of slow and monotonus though. There was a few janky things about the gameplay I noticed but it didn't affect anything too much. I do think the game was a good length, any longer and I might have stopped playing.