(ARCHIVED) Games you aren't allowed to like: Community Submissions Edition


Since I'm already getting comments suggesting that I add specific games to my list about reviewbombing/hate campaigns, I figured I might as well add a variant that lets the community speak. I can only say so much with that list because I don't follow the reception of every game ever made, so I figured I might as well pass that on to others. I will credit any and all submissions given to me!

Just so there's some groundwork here: I have very little quality control for this list. The quality control I do have is just to make sure I don't grind myself against The Paradox of Intolerance. Basically, as long as you aren't bigoted, you're welcome! I don't often add constructive criticism, but if I feel the need to, I'll try my best to do so without dogpiling the writer. My mission statement here is to let the community breathe in ways that Top Reviews and eloquent writers smother. I'm tired of having to compare my work to others because that can be real bullshit, and I don't think others should have to feel the same, either.

Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
This was originally a part of this list's forebear. But since it fits more with this list than that one, I'm including it here.
Added to this list per Backloggd user Alexcicle's request.


before looking at what the ruckus is about...

Honestly, this just seems fine? I get the impression that a lot of the hate it gets is probably from the crowd that thinks all anime is cringe, which is true to a degree, but that's probably just because it's a foreign entity. Can you imagine how off-putting some of our American traditions must be to Europeans? Christ, I don't even think you have to; they never shut the fuck up about it.

I think it's fine that foreign things are weird, off-putting, and occasionally transgressive. As long as the culture isn't "we hate all body types ranging from X, Y, to Z" and that's not what's being reflected, I would consider the awkwardness a nice learning experience. Something that I keep yammering on about because it means a lot to me is the ways in which media connects us—i.e., the line between consumption and appreciation. I think foreign media might honestly be one of the most overt forms of that. I respect it.


after doing the bare-fucking-minimum...

Okay? The game's sexualized to a degree. I mean... I have nothing to say about that, really. I think it's fine for something to have sex appeal and to lack it.

This is about her boobs, isn't it? Yeah, I would be lying if I said I didn't think those designs are a little silly. But whatever. It doesn't affect my bottom line, I don't care.
Vampire Survivors
Vampire Survivors
The contributor behind this submission wishes to stay anonymous, although there is a Backloggd user with the nomenclature used in the submission. I will be linking to their profile in the chance this is their work, but unless explicitly stated, do not assume it is.


"People have played mindless games for EONS. People have also played many mindless games but praise them because they like them. The general public likes a game so certain people feel the need to hate it and call it a blight on the industry. Those same people will then turn around and unironically praise a gacha for reinventing the wheel or praise the exact game they are shitting on but it is a version they like (see hololive vampire survivors). At least be honest with yourself and say you don't like the game. Stop trying to misattribute everything to be harmful to the industry."
Hogwarts Legacy
Hogwarts Legacy
Anonymous submission.


"Getting mad at people enjoying a game because you hate a person who has some connection to it is unhinged behaviour. And stop comparing fictional races to real humans you weirdos"

Spotlight: cyanplaza

Review spotlighted: Gauntlet Dark Legacy

I resonate with the idea of a game being deeply flawed, but fun with others. That statement should be obvious, so allow me to clarify: I resonate with old games being deeply flawed in ways that are alienating to the less forgiving gaze of modern eyes, but still somehow manage to be fun with others despite that barrier.

I knew this as a kid playing Goldeneye 007 in the mid-2000s, unknowing and uncaring of the fact that we owned a GameCube and a copy of TimeSplitters 2. The last time I knew it, I played Shrek 2 with an uncle I hadn't seen in years.

It's very special, and I cherish that others are able to have those experiences, too.

Constructive criticism

It's totally fair to disagree with other people, and you don't always need to argue for that. Sometimes, it's good enough to just say, "Other people dislike what I enjoy, but I still appreciate it". If you are going to argue against a conceived consensus, Ad Hominem is not the way to go about it. I'm not going to suggest that it's wrong from a moral standpoint because I understand that it serves catharsis from a certain perspective. But it's bad form for any kind of discussion that doesn't invite the listener to humorously fire back. It's especially bad for criticism, which follows a linear model of communication.

If you can forgive Hogwarts Legacy, though, that's great and I don't intend to trample that.

ETA: ...but please be aware that the broader context of the discussions surrounding it are more sensitive than the word "whackos" would suggest. That comes off very poorly, and in the future, I would also suggest more considerate language.
Metal Gear Solid V: The Definitive Experience
Metal Gear Solid V: The Definitive Experience
Anonymous submission.

"Metal Gear Solid V is a good example. The game is a reminder of Kojima and Konami's fallout. Part 2 is clearly unfinished leaving a sour taste in people's minds and this leads to many claims that due to it not being fully fleshed out, the story makes no sense. In an ironic sense, Ground Zeroes is totally acceptable to enjoy, being just a small snippet of V. V's gameplay is amazingly fun, and is one of the few open world games I've enjoyed. Despite that if you are on the topic of Metal Gear and V is brought up, everyone is expected to trash talk it."
Blue Reflection
Blue Reflection
Anonymous submission.

"You wish to talk about JRPs. Someone asks about what your favorite recent JRPG is. You reminisce. You see a game featuring high school magical girls. You see lengths of costume DLC to dress them up which definitely has a customer base you don't want to be associated with. You tell them Persona instead"
Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy XIII
Submitted by Backloggd user PlasmaGuy500


"Don't hate it personally but people usually dont like when you say final fantasy 13 is your favorite mostly because of it's linearity and kind of weak story but people joke haha hallway sim but the battle system is interesting at least"
Danganronpa Trilogy
Danganronpa Trilogy
Anonymous submission

The contributor behind this marked this as SILLY WITH SERIOUS ANECDOTE AT THE END. Reading it, it appears to align more with SERIOUS or HALF-HEARTED, but that's a problem I'll be addressing on my end.

"It's weird, Danganronpa is far from being one of my top 10 favorite games but I still love it.
The point is that it's pretty over hated in my opinion because of ridiculous things like its fandom and clichés that appear in other Japanese games.
Not that I defend it at all in that aspect because I'm the first one to criticize it but I don't know, it seems pretty stupid to me to complain about that.
Genuinely I'm fed up with the unjustified hate that this saga receives because of its story that doesn't take itself seriously, which is partly true but that's the point, it doesn't take itself seriously, it's mostly rule of cool pure and simple."


"As anecdote I have received threats and mockery for being a fan of the franchise and even dedicated me a video for that, but that did not stop me from loving the franchise, these games have left a great impact on me and I will always be grateful for that."
Chrono Cross
Chrono Cross
Submitted by Backloggd user Spinnerweb


"Chrono Cross being declared bad by people who have never so much as looked at it has to be one of the most parroted opinions regarding Japanese games."
Silent Hill: Downpour
Silent Hill: Downpour
Anonymous submission.


"Art is subjective, and I won't disparage anyone for disliking Downpour for it's many flaws. However, I do think the game was a massive step in the right direction after the travesty that was Homecoming. The focus on exploration hearkens back to the original Silent Hill and its approach to open-world side quests is one of the most unique I've ever seen, treating them as "playable memos". I found the story's themes about revenge and the harm it causes fairly well told, even if the world setting was heavily disrespected and a few characters were winceworthy. It's a hugely flawed game that in some sense deserves the hate it gets, but it was also a genuine effort at a unique and modern Silent Hill game and I doubt we'll see anything like it in the series again."
Kirby's Dream Land 3
Kirby's Dream Land 3
Submitted by Backloggd user NOWITSREYNTIME (Cool username, by the way)


"People love to dunk on this one but it's honestly in my top 5 Kirby games, I like it more than Superstar. The art style, animals buddies and all-around vibes do the heavy lifting and I think that combined with having a more cohesive campaign vs the multiple bite sized modes of super star make it better. Plus, I really don't get the controls/level design hate. The controls aren't as smooth as superstar sure but they're fine and the levels are fun! Idk, epic yarn but especially this one just get too much underserved hate."
Persona 4 Golden
Persona 4 Golden
Submitted by Backloggd user PeterGabriel (Also another username I like. I saw your comment earlier, btw)


"Persona 4 receives much hate because it's not Persona 3.
Yep, I've said it.
While Persona 3 themes were much more darker and more in line with the Megami Tensei series, Persona 4 differs in the way it approaches its narrative, characters and settings, having a story centered about a much smaller enviroment (just a country town) rather than the whole world or even universe.
In Persona 4 you don't kill god, you're not the chosen one who will save humankind, you're not a depressed teen and, most importantly, you fill the shoes of a happy teenagers. Something most Persona fans never experienced in their life."
Pokémon Sun
Pokémon Sun
Anonymous submission
(This applies to both Pokemon Sun and Moon, but because I can't put both of them on this list, Sun is the one I'm going with.)

"Those who say these games are bad probably never played anything but Pokémon Black and White and now thinks everything that isn't in pixel art is shit.
Maybe they don't remember these games are meant to be on a 3DS and, despite Game Freak's incompetence in the programming field, are a little miracle. Maybe the most impressive games on the system together with Super Smash Bros and Xenoblade Chronicles."
Final Fantasy XV
Final Fantasy XV
Submitted by Backloggd user KingGarb
KingGarb specifies: "(the ENTIRE experience...)".


"I agree that the game has a few issues but its always so overblown. The party members/ai are FINE, the combat is GOOD, the story is GREAT. “Its fun until after chapter 8 where it railroads you” doesn’t make sense, the bosses and combat and dungeons are still consistently great fun, the story is definitely insanely overcomplex due to the attempt at a multimedia empire, but it still resonates damn well when it wants to. The only complaint that I’ll actually take without really disagreeing is that the car is annoying. I remember just sitting on my phone for those parts, but its kinda funny when you summon a demon because youre driving at night, get back in the car, and just run him over"
DmC: Devil May Cry
DmC: Devil May Cry
Submitted by Backloggd user Diener


"for me the best DMC along with DMC V, but it seems that the hate against the game is still popular among people, even when they have never played a DMC just because one of their internet idols said the game was crap (without having played the game, just repeating what other people have been saying for over a decade).

I know the story is cringe, the characters are plain, but the gameplay is excellent."
The Coffin of Andy and Leyley
The Coffin of Andy and Leyley
Anonymous submission


"The popular "critisms" around it is very, VERY extream. While many is understandable, it lacks media literacy. It leaves people not wanting to analyze the game more than "The Incest Cannibal Game", missing it's themes about codependency, child neglect, domestic abuse, ect.

Lisiafication has written an essay of the game that's worth the read — if you have the time: https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/the-coffin-of-andy-and-leyley.123479/page-4?post=29562731#post-29562731"

Constructive criticism

This entry feels as though it could be somewhat reliant on the work referenced. I have done this exact thing before, where I read or watch a piece of analysis that I really like and it unintentionally feeds into my own work. I'd like to think we all do it at some point unless we're really, really observant people. The average person usually isn't, so it happens!

The framing of this doesn't bother me so much because it's carried by the exact kind of pettiness that even I have to admit was partially responsible for this list's origin. There are typographical errors here that could be sorted out, though. I'm not going to dogpile this because that's silly. We're not in a classroom, so you're allowed to have pieces that flow strangely. I would like to see improvement in this writer, however. I wrote like this once, so I'm rooting for them.
Milk outside a bag of milk outside a bag of milk
Milk outside a bag of milk outside a bag of milk
Submitted by the one and only, Erato_Heti. I love your stuff; thank you for contributing.


"There are actually not that many games that people have played through where there isn't at least a controversial split among gamers. Even in this case, there are as many voices for the game as there are against so it ultimately tends to be about what the most loud and compelling voices have to say on the subject matter and design of the game. In that case then, Milk outside a bag of milk outside a bag of milk is a great example of that split in social reasoning. Part of this is the bias against Visual Novels to begin with, offering low interactivity and not much to focus on than the subject matter at hand. However most of the core criticism of the game relies far more on how it depicts mental health wherein the main criticism is that this game Romanticizes mental illness and shows an ultimately shallow portrayal of such a struggle. This would be fair I think, if it was a dating game, in which your protagonist was trying to bottle the sweat of an agoraphobe. You don't play that though, you play this characters psychic double, who asks her questions. You play her imaginary friend trying to help her anchor down and understand her issues. There's no romance in Milk Outside, and on top of that the way it portrays for instance the trauma that can cause people not to take out basic trash, because it is only there as a mental road block is something you don't see explored in fiction too often. I think people gave this game a bad rep because the unnamed girl you try to help (I elected to call her Null) is evasive to questioning and a little stubborn at times, this making it hard to feel direct and immediate sympathy. Yet, in one sense I would argue that this is a decent portrayal of mental health issues, because often the subjects are very stubborn in their ways and desire not to be helped. Regardless of that, this ambiguity and befuddlement is often a large part of what makes psychological thriller media work. So I want to end this by saying I don't think its contrarian per se to like this game, but that a lot of people might raise their eyebrow if you bring it up as something you like in casual conversation."
Final Fantasy XVI
Final Fantasy XVI
I'm assuming this is an anonymous submission. It's labeled under "anon2", which isn't a user on this site, so I'm left to assume this from the same individual who wrote the Vampire Survivors entry.


"women are not put on a pedestal errrm game is misogynist and bad!"


Constructive criticism on MY end

My bad, I should update the label for what humor entails, because this should not meet the criteria of a Serious entry.
Dragon Age II: The Exiled Prince
Dragon Age II: The Exiled Prince
Anonymous submission


"DA2 has a paid DLC side story + associated companion/romance option, who is a heterosexual monk. So right off the bat, you're like, "Who asked for this?" And it's even more crunched/unfinished than the base game. Not a great DLC, in other words. I found it Just OK. That said, the level of vitriol I've seen towards anyone who enjoys this plot is... just incredible. In a franchise where several beloved characters defend slavery as a necessary evil, I've never seen fandom opinion be as one-sidedly negative as it is towards Sebastian. I once made a joke about him in a discord server that wasn't "lol why is this character in the game," and it landed about as well as if I'd trebucheted someone's grandma. (Though plenty of people defend a fan-favourite character literally murdering Sebastian's grandma.) Almost makes me want to incomplete-romance him out of spite. And I'm gay."
Submitted by Backloggd user yoyo0


"Hello!, at least in Latin America, liking Omori is like a kind of crime against humanity, "it's cringe nuhh"
Basically, the argument given by part of the community is that it is the classic indie game copied from Earthbound with themes about depression, this was exaggerated to the point that they began to say that Omori was literally the worst shit created.
And of course, I can understand the fatigue on the part of the players for this type of games, I don't have problems with it in particular, but I feel that there is a very big tendency of people who hate things because yes, lack of judgment I guess.
Many memes can be found by searching "Omori mierda"
I guess it was a joke that convinced some people.
The game is somewhat questionable, especially because of things the author has said, but the critics' approach was very different from these problems."


3 months ago

You're free to post your submissions here, too, if you'd like, but for longer ones, I'd suggest you use the form I posted.

3 months ago

New submission added by an anonymous contributor.

3 months ago

This comment was deleted

3 months ago

Three new anonymous contributions added. I'm noticing a trend here.

3 months ago

Three new contributions have been added: two anonymous and one with a name attached. Thank you!

3 months ago

Also another one I got a personal request to add before these three. My bad, I forgot to mention that.

3 months ago

Owing to my lack of clarification on what the ranking I have in my form means, I have updated it.

3 months ago

This comment was deleted

3 months ago

Five new submissions, with only one being anonymous. All but one of them are Half-Hearted, I assume due to my decision to make my scale less "making it up as I go along", which is fine.

3 months ago

This comment was deleted

3 months ago

One new anonymous submission. I felt like there were some issues with the writing, so as a first, I provided constructive criticism next to the submission itself. I don't intend to downplay the effort made by the writer; any and all submissions (granted they meet the bare minimum requirement of my quality control) are welcome here, and I'm open to seeing writers stumble on their words so they have the chance to grow and learn. There are a lot of people on the internet who will tell you that your writing is shit or don't frame it kindly enough for you to want to learn from them. If I can disrupt that in any way, I'd like to.

3 months ago

I took a break today, so I'm only adding the new submissions now. Since @cyanplaza had issues with the fact that Hogwarts Legacy is on either on these lists (I understand and respect their concern), I'm proud to announce that another tradition from my previous list is carrying over, and I will be shouting out a review of theirs that I don't feel has gotten the recognition it quite deserves.

Since my intent for this list is already to encourage community, you'll find it sandwiched between that particular submission and the constructive criticism I've given it.

3 months ago

Four new entries, two of which are anonymous. I'll cut to the chase and say that the legendary @Erato_Heti contributed to the first of the four. Good stuff!

To add more clarification: DLC is totally allowed, and from this point forward, "Humorous" refers to any review written in a silly tone, even if you agree partially/wholly with what you're saying. I'm not the greatest at these things, so I apologize for the confusion I've incurred.

2 months ago

Responses for this have dried up, and so has my motivation to keep the lights on for this list.

If there is desire for new contributions, I will re-open my forms and submissions. If you want data from the form I had, you can find that here.

Last updated: