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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

August 20, 2023

Platforms Played



A skillful game for skillful gamers.

Such skill to get around the terrible and gimped crouching that doesn't register your thumb naturally rolling on the dpad to begin immediately moving so you can evade the erratic patterns of the enemies!

I can't believe you got the alignment of Saturn's rings just right so that the ghosts don't spawn directly on top of you! Yowie wowie! A leprechaun must've jaywalked near your house, because the big guys decided not to constantly take a massive shit on the ladders and camp your ass! WOAH WOAH WOAH! What a fantastic god-fearing moment you had saying your prayers so the Arremers wouldn't swoop at impossible angles! Deary me! The Unicorn bosses didn't decide to charge you constantly?! How much did you pay them?! YA-YA-YOWZA! I commend your ability at kindly asking the jarheaded zombies to not pickpocket your lance and replace it with a torch! GODDAMN! You already knew the dragon in stage 3 was immune to the lance and grabbed the torch prior?! SKILLFUL ARTHUR! CONGRATURATIONS TO YOU ON YOUR ABILITY TO POWER CYCLE THE CONSOLE CORRECTLY!

rolls three dice

YIPPIE YAY! I rolled three sixes! I just beat Ghosts n' Goblins on Nintendo! What a great classic for the system!

turns into bongo cat and slaps the end of the table for the next hour

Btw, the Famicom version doesn't have continues unless you cheat code, Transformers Convoy no Nazo moment. Good fuckin' game. Glad I played three days in a row with a different experience each time. sips chocolate milx of quality