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-This game is buggy as hell.
-Jump and Slash is by far the best sub-weapon in the game assuming you're decent at maintaining power, melting bosses in an instant and making difficult jumps safe.
-It is cheap and unforgiving, especially starting from stage 5.
-Wall cling is very clunky and is annoying at times especially when knocked back into them by enemies.
-Bosses have no middle ground, they're either braindead easy(Barbarian, Kelberos, etc.) or demand cheese strats or big gamer concentration(Malth and Jaquio).

But despite all of this, it is still one of my favorite NES Famicom games. Which I think can be attributed to just how strong its overall presentation is with both it's soundtrack, graphics and cutscenes along with it's tight controls(ignoring wall cling).

The sequel is probably better with its cleaner gameplay, but my nostalgia is stronger with this one.

This page got turned into the arcade version, so I made a more fun read here if you're interested: https://www.backloggd.com/u/Vee/review/826078/