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Last played

August 23, 2022

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It was a long while since I played a crappy fighting game, so I figured it was finally time I played Rise of the Robots.

RotR is part of the unholy triforce of well-known trash fighters from the early 90s along with Ballz 3D and Shaq-Fu, except unlike those games RotR doesn't have a basketball player or testicle jokes to prop it up for any meme factor, except perhaps this animation of the Prime 8 robot flipping the bird while smoking a cigar in the cancelled arcade version.

Under normal circumstances there'd be some bright sides to this piece of shit like nice CG animations and some cool music, but I wasn't having any of that so I played the Game Gear version which features nothing of the sort. The CG animation movies are still here, which while impressive is now washed out and looks like it was pulled out of a clogged toilet, the in-game animation is stripped down to minimal frames, and most of the OST has now been replaced with a cheap dogshit 8-bit rendition of the Loader theme. You're probably thinking "wow there's a Game Gear version of this thing?", which yeah of course there'd be. This thing had a bunch of money behind it, and it was ported to way too many things, I'm honestly shocked they didn't try to put it on Game Boy.

As far as the gameplay for the Game Gear version of this thing is concerned, it's about as mindless as you'd expect, it's a crapton faster and the CPU is far harder here than in the other versions since it's apparently set to hard mode by default with no option screen to switch it. The blocking is still busted, and at one point I was getting constantly blockstringed by the crusher robot like it was Dragon Ball FighterZ. In the other versions the CPU is horrifically dumb and is often bamboozled by constant kicks and sweeps from mid-range, basically the same level of strategy that you'd need to defeat a two-year old both in a fighting game and in real life. Please read the description for this game on here with what I told you in mind, it's great.

It's worth note too that they couldn't even get versus mode right in these games, the first player is locked to the main Cyborg character, while player two can freely select characters. The one time you'd hate to be player one, especially when the Cyborg character feels underpowered compared to characters like the Sentry robot who has a kick that covers nearly half the screen.

In short, watch those animations from the arcade version, because it's probably the best thing to come out of these games. It also got a sequel somehow, and the game bombed so badly that they avoided the full "Rise of the Robots" name and called it "Rise II: Resurrection".

Dumb game.