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Last played

March 26, 2022

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This was my first (and only) Samurai Warriors game and honestly? I wasn't super impressed with it back in the day. I'm sure the sequels are a ton better, but I blame this game for not hooking me like DW2-3 did, and thus never coming back to the series constantly like I do with it's ancient China counterpart.

This game is just absolutely dull to look at, I get nothing but late-00s grey-brown flashbacks playing this game due to the lack of bright colors and the muddy visuals. I know DW4 was dark too, but this game feels like it takes it to a whole other level. I also don't think cutting down enemies where they stand in this game is anywhere as satisfying as sending my opponents flying to fucking Cucamonga like in the DW games. I like the music and it's for sure a matter of taste, but it just doesn't compare to Chinese woodwind instruments with dirty electric guitars, like this entire game's ost gets solo'd by Struggle for Existence from DW4. Everything in terms of presentation just feels like it pales in comparison to DW at least during this time period.

The "infiltration" castle stages also fucking suck, they're so damn boring and suck the goddamn life out of me faster than the most oversized mosquito. They wear out their welcome super quickly, especially if you happen to be playing Kenshin Uesugi's story mode like I did where you had to deal with three of those damn things.

I know early Musou games are already known for bad dub acting, but I really can't get over how bad Ranmaru Mori's dub voice is in this game, it's absolutely terrible. It's not even the entertaining kind of terrible like in DW3, it's cringeworthy which is the worst kind of acting. Like at least Nobunaga's fucking supervillain voice actor is doing his goddamned best, but good god.

I'll play the modern games eventually, but yeah my outings with this one just kind of alienated me from this particular Musou for quite a while.