13 reviews liked by Vel_

[November 13th 2023] As someone who started playing back in Chapter 3, the map it's cool and it's nice but I think they also needed to retroactively add some of the new features from later seasons bc, yeah, it's classic and we're going home but it's also kinda... lonely? empty? I hope people notice this things

It's cool but I think it's a downgrade compared to the later seasons, nothing wrong, I just think they had to add some of the new things and not go full full OG

It's hard for me to overcome the nostalgia on this and see its limitations. Well, not that hard because I knew most of its limitations back in the day, when I couldn't get past the Robot Masters in Wily's Castle. The same is true now, thanks to some cruel design: only one password to cover the entirety of Wily's Castle, no ability to recharge special weapons if you die against those Robot Masters (meaning you really only get one go at them).
I ended up switching to an emulator and save-scumming my way through the rest of the game (which isn't actually that much). Nice to finally get some closure on it after 30 years at least, but I don't think I'll be looking to replay it again in the future.


This was absolutely incredible, I cried at the end because the game was just so, so good, I had this huge dumb smile on my face the entire time, the wait was really worth it and I can't wait to see what Toby does with the rest of the game

Absolutely awful in every way but an incredibly interesting footnote in video game history. One of the only official pc ports of a nintendo game.

The physics really ruin it, it barely moves when you're trying to run and the jumps last a fraction of a second. The game runs at about 15fps by default making it difficult to move properly. The emulator died about 20 minutes in so I called it then.

Try out the nes super mario bros mod for this game instead of the actual port. Apparently it actually has 8 worlds and from what i've seen its different but still competent levels.


I didn't know quite what to expect with this one, and not only did it effortlessly surpass the first Ace Attorney Investigations, but it stands as an extremely strong entry into the Ace Attorney franchise in general.

One of the major qualities that sets this game apart from others is that all of the cases take place over several in-game days, creating a continuity of sorts (as opposed to other AA games, where the cases tend to all be self-contained).

The other quality I really enjoy is how it never dwells too long on either half of the game. "Investigation" segments never outstay their welcome, and Edgeworth doesn't need to be in a courtroom to hear out people's testimonies. The addition of "Logic Chess" also fits Edgeworth perfectly, and was a really fun addition to investigations. The game always keeps an excellent pace. In that regard, I was never bored.

If you're an Ace Attorney fan and you haven't played this title, you owe it to yourself to obtain a copy of the game and patch in the fan-translation. The quality work that the team did makes it feel near-indistinguishable from an official localization from Capcom.

Memorable music, memorable cases, memorable characters, memorable...Edgeworth.

I don’t know why this case took me actual years to finish, but I suspect it had something to do with the gameplay design. From a writing standpoint, I think it was pretty good! As far as I remember, anyway, given the literal years it took to finish this thing. The characters were charming, the case hit some good emotional beats, and the scenario and concepts were fun and creative. Cross examining an animal in an Ace Attorney game is always a good time.

The problem, I think, is that there were numerous points where I could tell what the answer to a particular line of questioning was, but not where they wanted me to present the evidence in question. I mean, Ace Attorney does this pretty often? But I think it was especially bad here. A particularly egregious example was a bit towards the end where they have you examine a piece of evidence to find out it’s got marks on it, but instead of connecting that to another piece of evidence when you find the marks, you have to present that evidence to the first statement in the testimony. For... some friggin’ reason. I definitely remember savescumming a few times outside of that, which makes me think it was a pretty consistent problem rather than a one-off issue.

So yeah, definitely a fun time, but it was a little unnecessarily frustrating a few too many times on the game front. I probably would’ve enjoyed watching somebody else play through it more than I enjoyed playing it myself.

I played up until the first boss fight and stopped out of sadness. At least most of the “bad” sonic games are funny in some way. This one is just painfully mediocre, which at times is the worst thing a game can be. Here’s a reminder to play Sonic Mania.