This game is alright. It sucks to play without a friend or looking up a guide from time to time to help you out because this game is littered with frustrating design decisions or just poorly thought out mechanics, leaving atleast me quite often confused as to what im supposed to do. What also doesn't help is how disconnected all of the areas and the entire world feels. It gets comical at times like when you take an elevator and suddenly land at bowsers castle. This game has so many frustrating areas and the bosses are often lacking but whilst the world is disconnected its still beautiful and the game has its charms. Honestly you play this game more for the world and the artsy aspect than the gameplay, because even though the core combat gameplay is alright, this isnt often what the game is about but rather traversing the levels (which is fine), but due to this games bad to mediocre areas really frustrating at times.

the game isnt bad i just dont like it