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8 days ago

8 days ago

LazerzZ finished Cyberpunk 2077
Cyberpunk is impressive. The effort put into getting this game into not just a working state, but improving upon all it's foundations to built something that allows you into it's world to express it's concepts is a feat that goes against all odds. The team that worked on this game clearly cared deeply about their product and their message. What happened to this game in 2020 is a shame, but what remains now is nothing short of a victory.

There's a lot to say and the game is so very very big but it's also dense and so brilliantly focussed too. It has so much to say and it uses it's story, it's side content, it's characters and it's all important world to do that and always has you thinking, it's really quite beautiful.

The way it plays too, my god! I don't think I've had this much raw fun playing a video game in ages. The combat, the player agency, the way you can build up your playstyle and really customise all the intricate details of how you execute each fight, it's just tremendously detailed and offers so many possibilities.

All in all, this game is fantastic, it really truly is but also in CDPR fashion just like The Witcher 3, it's DLC, Phantom Liberty is superior, but that shouldn't diminish what the overall game does, in fact it's a testament to it. The main game is glorious, the DLC just improves upon it, as it should.

Cyberpunk 2077 is unforgettable.

9 days ago

LazerzZ finished Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty
I'd say this is CDPR at their absolute best. It might be controversial to say because of how popular The Witcher 3 and of course Blood & Wine is... But I think Phantom Liberty is the best thing they've ever made.

The way this DLC weaves themes and character so elegantly is an absolute marvel of a dance they pull of effortlessly. At no point did I feel I could see the strings holding the game together, it just flowed, it was completely organic and had me hanging off of every word. From the set pieces, to the unique quest design, the narrative crux and the way it all ties back into V's personal journey as part of Cyberpunk 2077, this DLC nails it all. It's plain and simple, a masterpiece, in every way that counts.

I've played this before beating the main game for the first time, since this takes place before the ending I wanted to do this chronologically at the right point and it didn't feel wrong to do so, in-fact I think I'll be going into the base game's ending with a richer perception of both V and Johnny. Still speechless at just how good this was, utterly blown away.

9 days ago

10 days ago

LazerzZ earned the Loved badge

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