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It's nice being able to play these games easily on a modern console, but the saving system makes it harder for me to want to play through these games fully as you can lose progress so easily, and would've benefitted from something optional like a save state system. I did enjoy seeing where some series staples started such as crawling, calls, alerts etc. as well as the fact they reused some ideas from these games in MGS1 which was interesting to see, and I was surprised how political these games were from the start as games from this era weren't taken as seriously as now.

After playing these games at least I can now confidently say that if any games in the Metal Gear series needs/deserves a remake, it's definitely these 2. Every other game from Metal Gear Solid onward has aged pretty good, but an 8-bit game was naturally going to age worse, so hopefully if the MGS3 Remake does well Konami will be open to trying to adapt this game to modern 3D gaming. Also admittedly I would just like to play as more games with Solid Snake, especially ones fighting Big Boss.