Log Status






Time Played

35h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

February 17, 2023

First played

December 28, 2022

Platforms Played


This review contains spoilers

Ragnarok was the first game that I was ever really hyped for. Before this, there wasn't really a series that I was looking forward to a sequel for (besides maybe Overwatch, but that turned out to be a flop). I actually bought a PS5 just after Christmas in 2022 to play this on, even though I had the PS4 version. That was likely the best descision I could have made, as the PS5 enhanced my experience by so much. I started in late December of 2022, and got the Platinum for Ragnarok (after bringing down the difficultly to Give me a Story for Gna and the King) in February of 2023.

Story: 10/10. Did everything from the first game but better. Stakes were ramped up to the roof and everything was so much more epic. The single camera shot style is an incredible feature.

Characters: 10/10. Somehow, the growth from the characters was even better in this game than it was in 2018. Each character grows in their own unique, interesting way. They actually feel like people!

Combat: 9.5/10. With the addition of the Draupnir Spear (and Atreus as a playable character), the combat from the first game was expanded, enhanced, and perfected.

Gamplay/Content: 9.5/10. Always an interesting and meaningful side quest to be found that either enhances world building or characters. Main gameplay is never repetitive.

World: 9.5/10. Creates 9 completely unique worlds that are all a joy to explore and are incredibly unique.

Traversal: 7.5/10. Always remains interesting, with characters telling stories to ensure there is never a moment of silence between the action.

Problems: None.

Favorite Part (Spoiler): Brok's Funeral. Seeing Sindri so broken and "Raeb's lament" playing in the background was perhaps the most emotional I've ever felt from a game.
Least Favorite Part: Saying goodbye to Atreus (god I miss that boy).