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Time Played

30h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

March 24, 2023

First played

February 26, 2023

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I was reccommended this game by a good chap of mine. I was promised a grand adventure, and after playing the masterpiece that was GoW: Ragnarok, I was expecting excellence; and excellence was mostly delivered. It took me about a month to complete this game while studying in University, and through it I began to find my love for non-shooter combat.

Story: 7.5/10. Pretty "Star Wars" story. I didn't care too much about the Zeffo past and Cordova much as I should have, as the whole storyline kind of confused me. The Trilla/Cere story kept me interested though. I realize as I am writing this shortly after my other review of Survivor (which I will mention a lot in this review) that Cere is probably my favorite character in the series. I liked the revolution in Kashyyyk, finding my own Kyber crystal, and the entirety of all things Empire in this game story wise. It was a great experience that was much better than modern day AAA titles.

Characters: 7/10. I found the characters were pretty basic, without much going on with them otherwise. Sure Cere and Merrin get their moments, but otherwise for the protagonists Greez and Cal are pretty basic. Cal does have an emotional story, but he has a sort of emotionless portrayal (to me) by Cameron Monaghan, which thankfully was greatly improved in Survivor. I thought he would get more personality when he and BD1 arrived on Kashyyyk, but I was mistaken and that seemed like one of the only times he was funny and not just a typical "good guy". Now, on the other end of things, Malicos and Trilla were fantastic. They had powerful stories that made you relate to them in ways, and Cal's dialogue with them mid-fight always enhanced their characters. Special shoutout to BD-1, the greatest Star Wars companion ever!

Combat: 7.5/10. I enjoy the two stances and force abilities, but after playing Survivor I don't think I could ever go back to the basicness of Fallen Order. That being said it is still a great deal of fun and always kept me on my toes. Like I said in my Survivor review my favorite part of the game as a whole was the 1v1 Lightsaber duels. This game gave a great, authentic Jedi-esque combat experience.

Gameplay/Content: 8/10. There aren't many (if any, I don't recall) side missions in this game. I'm not complaining though, because there is enough along the linear paths to keep things interesting, and the collectibles are great as well. The main story keeps enough different things content-wise to hold your attention for the majority of the game, and the metroidvania-like exploration is interesting enough to have you keep coming back to previous locations for upgrades.

World: 8/10. The worlds are all crafted well. Kashyyk and Zeffo (the two main worlds) have their own differences and uniqueness to them that make them all feel like a breath of fresh air, and the smaller maps are great changes of scenery.

Traversal: 7.5/10. I remember having unlocked all of the force abilities and combining them all to manouver Kashyyyk. This made me feel like a Jedi Master! It was highly engaging (moreso than typical third-person adventure games) getting from place to place. The lack of fast travel hinders this score though, making backtracking for one item painful.

Problems: The lack of fast travel made collectable hunting rather painful; especially on Kashyyyk, where I had to climb the tree at least five times. This got old fast, so I'm glad they added a mini-fast travel system in Survivor.

Favorite Part: Fighting the Ninth Sister and locking in combat-wise.
Least Favorite Part: Climbing the Kashyyyk Tree 5+ times (got old fast).