Played the remastered version included in Quake (2021) but didn't want to mess up its rating.

Played the remastered version included in Quake (2021) but didn't want to mess up its rating.

Played the remastered version included in Quake (2021) but didn't want to mess up its rating.

Man, this was frustrating at times! There is this cool thing about Allied Assault that when an enemy dies, he drops his weapon on the ground and even if it's not the same as your weapon, you can still pick up the rounds. Breakthrough, on the other hand, thinks it's more fun if weapons just disappeared when dropped. Well, it's not. It's actually frustrating as hell and there are missions that you just run out of ammo and have to melee attack your way through. Also, for an expansion pack, it felt to me that it was dragging a little bit. Especially the Italy section. But I guess I can forgive that because we don't often get to see the battles that took place in Italy in WWII video games.

Not much has changed in this. It's basically just more of the same but I enjoyed it a little bit more than Allied Assault. Particularly the Belgium mission which is a far better snow (and hazy) mission than the one in Allied Assault.

It's a very memorable and nostalgic game for me. An influential one too. But honestly it doesn't really hold up. I hate to call it "old" because even though the game is obviously held back in a lot of places by the limitations of its time, sometimes it just suffers from bad design choices. It's definitely worth playing but compared to its successors, early WWII Call of Duty games, it falls a bit short.