It's basically Skyrim. With guns. In space.

The game features a seemingly endless grind in a series of gigantic dungeons where everything, including the dungeon itself, tries extremely hard to murder you. The encounters are highly challenging, the grinding process is tiresome, and the game system is hard to grasp. In addition, the game expects you to level a couple dozen of characters to max level, MULTIPLE TIMES, before you have any chance defeating any of the hidden bosses. And yes, you need to defeat each and every one of them in order to advance to the true end of the story.

But in the end, the plot makes everything worth it.

It's saddening that PDS believes they can improve a game only by continuously adding more buttons, interfaces, modifiers, and mission trees.

This game is signatured by its incredible visual design and simply astonishing music. The storyline the beneath the "looks", however, is hardly equally convincing. It attempts to touch on a number of serious topics but fails to develop any meaningful discussion from any of them. Character development is lacking, especially for new characters added in the Royal Edition. The game system overall is fine but does not offer enough depth to encourage re-plays.

It's amazing how much depth this game's character develop system can have, and it's equally, if not more, amazing how TERRIBLE its encounter design can become later in the playthrough.