12 Reviews liked by ViviGayming

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Cryptic, tragic, suspenseful, and a loving homage to PS1 survival horror. I’ve seen the critique that this is anti-communism and, no??? It reads more as a condemnation of a totalitarian and militaristic nation which wants to reduce people solely to their role or profits. Governments that have done this are communist in name and name alone, using bastardized, extremist forms of that ideology. It’s moreso a critique of totalitarianism and weaponizing any ideology to fit it, and the metaphorical, or literal decay that is a product. It’s the same as when someone reads 1984 or Animal Farm, and concludes Orwell to be viscerally against Communism, which is simply not the case when the man was a Socialist who spoke against totalitarian states who would weaponize such ideals through his writing. In the case of this game, any indulgence is all but forbidden, or characterized as a fetish when Replikas indulge. When people are characterized only by their function and gross output in a society, love and happiness are luxuries. That’s the message I feel is here. And it’s a haunting one in a story where we have to piece so much together. I don’t think the game is PERFECT, and I wish the gunplay was better, with me finding aiming cumbersome at times. Great game, though. I understand it won’t be for everyone with how its storytelling can be vague, but that’s the intent.

I do think there’s a conversation to be had about its use of DDR iconography (the devs are from Hamburg), but to say that that’s its full message feels inherently wrong, and there’s more to it than that.

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Game might be hell to play but my god is the story worth it. The hellish gameplay also genuinely adds to the ludonarrative experience of this game.

Holy fuck Ayin you did miracles on me

This is one of the greatest games ever made.

Definitely hate it. (don't ever pick the train)

the only thing that isn't gay porn that I could jerk off to.

This game is just crack for my autism riddled brain, even if I'm not great at it. I've P-Ranked everything except VIOLENCE and P-2. Soon though.

this has some abject problems but it managed to scratch the itch of what i loved about classic re just enough while the villain being an opera singing twink in a nightgown controlling leeches and sending monkeys to kill you and the item dropping mechanic meaning that the floors become littered with tons of glittering objects is so unserious that i can't be too spiteful about this game

took me some time to adjust to the tank controls, but once it clicked, it clicked. seriously such a fantastic game in terms of a perfect, desolate atmosphere. personal favorite part was reading the little notes left along the way.

As someone who's never been really into Sherlock Holmes, this game is a great starting point and definitely ignited a fire in me to experience more of Holmes.
Game wise this feels like a lot is missing, but it makes up for that with not wasting your time.
The combat scenarios are short and fairly easy to make up for how simple the combat is.
The story and it's side cases is intriguing enough that I got everything done naturally without even realizing it.
The Voice Acting and Graphics are very hit or miss. Sherlocks VA is phenomenal and so is most of the main cast, but the side NPCs are not so great. The visuals are really good at some places and really bad at others.
Overall a fun time, I wouldn't recommend paying full price for this but getting it for $20 is worth it.