they didn't add vergil because sakurai didn't want to add any character that would be stronger than kirby

I understand why people like Y1 more than Kiwami even if I don't necessarily agree. It's such a compact and interesting experiment by Sega, at the time I truly believe there was nothing like it. Calling it "like Grand Theft Auto 3" is obviously a bad comparsion, but it's hard to compare Yakuza to other contemporaries. The stiffer combat with fewer options makes every new option you obtain more important. This is the first game I've played in the series that made the dropkick feel worthwhile to use. In Kiwami, I had no clue why anyone would use the reversal options in combat, but Kiryu in Y1 doesn't have turn-tables on the bottoms of his feet so he really needs them for crowd control. The necessity of engagement with its mechanics makes Yakuza 1 the only character action game in the series (except maybe 2 IDK).
Kiryu's stiffness isn't an unfortunate consequence of fresh devs trying a new idea, it's not a weird bug that detracts from the game - it's an intentionality of the design.This wrinkle in the fabric of gameplay is what gives reversals their purpose. Forcing the player to develop an understanding of their toolkit is actually good design, not bad. Not to say that later Yakoozers are inherently worse because they're more accessible - their intended emotional responses are simply different. Later games are much more about the power fantasy of being the tallest man in Tokyo and living in a walkable city.
This is actually an aspect of later titles I prefer over the original: the pseudo-vaction escapism elements. Maybe it's just because I've played 1,000 games set in Kamuro but Yakuza 1 feels the most matter-of-fact about its settings. Kiryu's lived his whole life in and around Kamurocho - there's not much new for him to discover. It's an element they really wanted to home in on in later entries, especially 3 and 8. 3 is actually the first game in the series with karaoke because the devs wanted to showcase Kiryu finally being able to relax after two games of pure action.
I primarily play games for escapism (free Palestine, trans rights, and black lives matter though) and I find RGG's life-adjacent heightened reality to be a perfect escape. But because player choice is at its weakest in Yakuza 1, the escapist elements don't flourish as well as they eventually will. Absolute lowest number of minigames and side activities, the camera is not under the player's control, and the player has far fewer options in combat than later games - Yakuza 1 is not an escapist fantasy, it's a sobering crime genre.
Every change to the combat that I could describe as "better" comes with a change to the music or atmosphere that takes away from the overall experience. The lack of all the goofy bullshit from modern Yakuza games makes the comparitively-simple story a lot easier to swallow. Plus there's none of those stupid Super Duper Heat Moves you have to use on bosses. Also I think this might be my favorite soundtrack in the series. The remixes of the battle tracks in Kiwami are like dogshit, but Funk Goes On and Intelligence for Violence go fucking crazy..
I do seriously like the voice acting, overall I think the actors do a good job even if the editing doesn't do them any favors. I actually really like Kurylo as Kiryu, even if he's no Kuroda. Goofy as Date is pretty good too. I'm actually impressed by how much dialogue is just untranslated Japanese that they hope players understand. And they pronounce most of it correctly! The constant swearing didn't really bother me, I work in a factory so I hear and say worse than this on a daily basis. Plus I really like the combat barks enemies have. STUPID OLD FUCK would have stuck with me if I had played this game in 2005.
A shoulder camera would have been nice but these are highly-detailed environments for a PS2 game, filled to bursting with NPCs, I understand that it probably would have hampered the atmosphere and taxed the hardware if the player could control the camera.
There's very little [subst]ance to these [subst]ories, they're all stories that have been repeated in other Yakuza games even outside Kiwami. I'm sure some people appreciate that they're simple and to the point, unlike modern substories that have 30 cutscenes and 4 distinct group battles.
In conclusion, Yakuza 1 is the best in the series because there's NO FUCKING MAHJONG