Thief - Ranked

Personal ranking of the Thief series, including the two most notable fan campaigns. The top 3 is mostly interchangable and may shuffle around on future replays.

Thief II tends to be the community favorite, but the heavier horror/supernatural focus of the original tickles my fancy like nothing else. The Sword, Down in the Bonehoard, and Song of the Caverns are some of my favorite levels in all of gaming.
Absolutely phenomenal fan campaign that is a better followup to the original duology than any current or future sequel could hope to be. Intended as a love letter to the first game specifically, so expect more of a focus on the supernatural and tomb raiding than Thief II.
What's there to say? Though I personally prefer the first game's levels and tone, Thief II is one of the most refined stealth games ever made. If Thief II Gold had released as intended, with touchups to the existing levels and new levels focused on the occult, it would probably be my favorite.
A love letter to Thief II that pushed the envelope for fan missions when it first released in 2005, but feels dated nowadays. Some levels are fantastic, some feel quite sloppy and barren. Regardless, absolutely worth a playthrough after finishing Thief II.
Official followup to Thief II with some good ideas and levels, and a better understanding of the source material than the abominable 2014 reboot, but severely held back by technical and gameplay limitations due to its console-focused development.


Irredeemable dogshit.


1 month ago

Awseome list. I never got into Shadows of the Metal Age, I only fairly recently started playing fan missions. I might check that out sometime when I finally review all the Thief games proper.

1 month ago

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1 month ago

@NovaNiles Thank you! I've been slowly dipping my toes into fan missions since completing the series for the first time last year, and although I think The Black Parade is probably the best fan content available, Shadows of the Metal Age was still a good time. The biggest con for me was just that some of the levels felt rather simple and lacked detail, which makes sense when considering that the campaign came out several years before the NewDark engine let creators really push the polygon count. The story and tone are also a little bit...sloppier than Thief 1 and 2, but I can excuse that since it's a free fan effort. I'd definitely recommend it because, if nothing else, it's still good sneaky fun with Thief 2's excellent gameplay.

1 month ago

@Watermalloc Got ya. Sounds good and im always down for more Thief 2. Makes sense what your saying about the age of the fan mod, ill definitly keep that in mind while playing.

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