Taking a quick glance at reviews for Quest 64 will show you that a very vocal minority of players badly want to convince you that this game is unfairly judged, a secret gem you've all been sleeping on because of bad word of mouth. Look, I can kind of understand why people make this argument for Castlevania 64, after all it is a maligned entry in a beloved series, there was always going to be fans lining up to defend it, and occasionally you can see the skeleton of a good game rattling around in there. Making excuses for Quest 64 is like saying you don't think your dog's crap smells that bad, which is why you let it shit indoors. In all fairness, Nintendo 64 fans have like, 20 or so games that are actually worth playing, they have to convince themselves that there's more than that. I ought to know, because I am one. I bought this game. I am no better than those I throw rocks at.

Quest 64 puts you in control of Brian, an aspiring mage who has to save Not Ireland from the evil Mammon. That's uh, all there is to it. There's not much of a story in Quest 64, the wikia for the game barely has more than two sentences of information to provide context to Mammon's backstory and motives. The gameplay is similarly starved for complexity. The battle system relies upon four core elements from which Brian draws his strength, though the pool of spells each element provides you is extremely shallow and never really amounts to much more than "You have a rock spell for damage. You have a rock spell for more damage. You have a rock spell for the MOST damage." I swear to you it's even less involved than Pokemon Red/Blue, a game that was by its creator's own admission meant to be children's first RPG; there is nothing to sink your teeth into here.

There's not even a currency system in the game, any items you obtain are just given to you. Probably the most interesting mechanic in Quest 64 is its experience system, which is essentially a watered-down version of Final Fantasy II's. Brian's stats build the more each stat is relied upon, which basically translates to letting Brian get his ass beat so his defense and health goes up. On paper it sounds ridiculous, but in practice it's just tedious. But then, Quest 64 is tedious by its very nature so I guess that tracks.

Even basic progression through the story amounts to doing the same thing over and over again, and it's never interesting to begin with. Some bad guy steals a spell book or other magic item from the lord of the current town you're in and this has prevented anyone from traveling to the next town, including you. Beat up the area boss and return the item then go to the next village where you will do the same exact thing. The whole game is this. Dungeons are empty and exploration is mindless, there's no interesting gimmicks to keep you invested while battling your way to the boss, and while I have nothing against dungeon crawlers inherently (I like the SNES Shin Megami Tensei games for chrissake), the lackluster battle system and virtually non-existent sense of progression makes the game a total chore.

There exists a mod for this game called Quest 64: Hard Mode which seeks to fix numerous issues with the core game. I am reminded of Project 06, which similarly tries to right some of Sonic 2006's wrongs, and that brings me to a fun little thought experiment I've been mulling around for a while. I call it The Hedgehog of Theseus. At what point do you fix too much of a notoriously bad game that it no longer shares the original's identity? In the case of Sonic 2006 I would argue making even one loading screen last a second less is changing too much of its soul. It is a bad game, it is for some the bad game, and I believe the only way to truly appreciate it is to experience it as it is.

Similarly, by trying to rebalance Quest's stat and experience system, by giving Brian a more varied list of spells, by adding more complexity and making every effort to create a more engaging game, you're straying further and further from what Quest 64 is. It's a bit paradoxical, but Quest 64 is interesting because it's so boring, a version of it that plays better would arguably make it even more banal. I'm not completely against the practice of modding games, good or bad. Streets of Rage 3 has mods that actually make it worthwhile, Contra: Hard Corps is amazing as-is but is improved by restoring hit points, but there are certain games whose identities are so inextricably linked to the state they released in that to assemble them into something better completely misses the point.

Quest 64 is a bad game. Long live Quest 64.

Reviewed on Jan 31, 2023


1 year ago

I shouldn't have written so many words on Quest 64 but I do find this game to be fascinatingly dull. I legitimately don't know how you make a game this boring, it's an accomplishment.

1 year ago

i respect Quest 64 for looking like a lawyer friendly game that sits in the background of a tv show.

1 year ago

also i agree very much with your hedgehog of theseus theory, my belief is that project 06 makes sonic 06 worse by making it less entertaining, as sonic 06 without its busted framework is just a terribly designed game. WITH the bust it is very very funny.

1 year ago

Absolutely. Larry coined the term, actually, and we discussed it for a while on a call a couple months back. I tried to figure out at what point Sonic 06 would lose too much of what makes it special and determined that if the game loaded at an acceptable speed that would be too far. Quest's Japanese version already makes a number of fixes to the original and I think I'm more flexible with what the threshold is for it, but if Quest was merely an alright game there would be even less about it worthy of discussion.
The praise Project 06 in particular has been getting is really baffling to me. I respect what ChaosX has been doing especially since they admitted that all they knew and tried to tweak was from purely absorbing footage due to living in less-than-lofty conditions, but their work getting lampooned into """fixing""" S06 when all it's doing is just... polishing it into a state not too distanced from what it probably would've been like if it wasn't rushed out the door genuinely drives me up a wall. This also just blatantly ignores the bad decisions that're baked into that game regardless like the lackluster hub world and how the Shadow sections are structured.

Anyway what're we talking about? Oh right Quest 64. Uhhhhh I like the visual aesthetics and fidelity. Find it weird this got a GBC demake. Yea that's about all I got for this game.

1 year ago

Shadow the Hedgehog is essentially what Project 06 aims to make Sonic 06: a remarkably badly designed game that is at least functional.

1 year ago

I don't understand, Shadow the Hedgehog is a good game.

I've been planning for a while to play a more current build of Project 06 alongside Sonic 2006 and collect my thoughts in a review, hopefully have a more nuanced take on it than a single paragraph in a Quest 64 review, but uh... Just haven't found a point in time where I want to replay Sonic 2006, which is very weird!

1 year ago

i played it last year with my partner and roommate and it was VERY fun as a social experience. playing it by myself is isolating and makes me feel like someone should reach out to try and stop me from doing it.

1 year ago

I'm actually rather curious if you ever tried out the Game Boy Color version of this, Quest: Brian's Journey. I've heard that while it is still Pretty Mid, it is at least better than Quest 64. So I'd be very curious what you thought of that.

1 year ago

I have not. Maybe at some point I'll check it out, but to be honest I have so many games to get to and even as a curiosity it's probably near the bottom of the list for me. I do think it's kinda funny though they had enough faith in Quest's marketability that they had other games planned.
I swear to god I thought this one of thos fake game pages, I genuely belive this was real, it looks so dull and boring. After checking gameplay, and reviews, yeah, that checks out.

I completely agree with the hedgehog of theseus reflexion, some bad games really need to be BAD to be remarkable, and in some cases it applies to even good games with jank, like Mario 64 or Smash Melee: the jank is sometimes part of the game, it makes its identity, whether good or bad.

Also the '' Nintendo 64 fans have like, 20 or so games that are actually worth playing'' it hurts so much yet it's so true.