14 reviews liked by Wemmy

IM SO NOSTALGIC BUT IDC Man this game is just really well made and stuff...



add Wang as DLC and ill consider changing the score

This game will always linger on my mind, especially with its insane ending. Its message truly gives you a new perspective on a lot of things.

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This is a game that i never thought i would ever get around playing but this is also a game that i was always intrigued by. around 2020 i had a close friend that really was into this game but i had no means of playing it, fast forward a couple years i have met more friends who have played this game. it seems like everyone that i had a connection to has experienced this game and had drastically different opinions on it. and now it was my turn to see what this game had to offer.

Persona 5 is a very difficult game to rate. I don't think it was a bad game by any means, far from it, nor do i think it is the masterpiece that some say it is. persona 5 lays in this very comfortable middle ground for me but that middle ground is a challenging place to pinpoint because i keep flip flopping between my rating and it will probably keep doing that for as long as i keep thinking critically about the things i consume.

this game definitely starts off phenomenal, starting you off in the middle of a heist with all of your party members cheering you on. everything that conspires from the very first few moments when you open the game is nothing short of a spectacle. the way the game transitions between the interrogation and things like the difficulty and your name is very seamless as well. I like how they foreshadow shido being the person who you have to ultimately take down. from there the story kicks off.

i want to skip ahead a little to the palaces and my thoughts about them as a whole. honestly i think they're rather boring at some points and even a bit tedious. are they better than the procedurally generated dungeons from the previous games? i guess you could say so but i personally prefer them since a lot of the puzzles such as the mouse one in shido's palace and the one where you piece together the letters in kaneshiro's didn't feel all that interesting. i can see why people much rather prefer the palaces compared to the other dungeons though since there is actual human thought put into them. i just think a couple tweaks to the palaces and i'm easily a fan of them. although i'll get to my favorite one and the one i think does the formula the best a little bit later.

sticking around the same topic i want to talk about mementos. mementos is another part of the game that is quite divisive, or at least from what i remember. i think it's alright personally. i know it might not make sense after listening to me say this after i said i wasn't a huge fan of the palaces but to me mementos doesn't really work as a supplement to the palaces. mementos is strange cause i wouldn't want it to be the sole focus of the dungeons in this game either, i think that the palaces are the natural evolution of the dungeons from the previous games. it's just to me mementos doesn't really serve much of a purpose in this game. the quests don't feel important which is an issue because you need to reach the depths of it in order to complete the game. although i'd rather it be here than not because then there would be way too much downtime between palaces which i think is already an issue within this game that i don't remember being present in the other ones.

i think now is a good time to transition to talking about the gameplay, specifically the elements surrounding the combat because this game knocks it out of the park. 1 more obviously returns which i'm already a fan of but royal introduces baton pass which is really satisfying accompanied by flashy all-out and showtime attacks showcasing the synergy of the phantom thieves not to mention the new buffs from your confidants introduced in this game all culminates into an engaging and addictive cycle that always kept me wanting more. i feel like this is easily one of the highlights of this game for me.

furthermore, i did find myself taking a liking to the confidants in this game. nice little side stories that add onto the characters, nothing new here, but i did find it cute that they do find out that you're a phantom thief. and as mentioned previously they do provide very useful benefits new to this game that give you a lot of quality of life features that enhance the experience of the game. another thing that i heavily enjoy from these confidants is not a gameplay thing, but a music thing, and of course that is the song that plays after you get one of your party members to rank 10 and that is the song, swear to my bones.

this leads me to talking about the soundtrack of this game. another surprise to no one, it is good. there are a lot of standouts in this ost such as gentle madman and life will change. i don't think there's much to say here but this is another very well crafted aspect about this game. while i don't think the soundtrack is as good a persona 4's, that is by no means a hit on this one.

now is a good time as ever to talk about this game's story and i think this is where the cracks start to form on this game for me. of course the start is strong but i'd say after kamoshida's palace i feel like it starts to slow down significantly until futaba's where it starts picking up again slowly until you get around the end of okumura's but by then in my case you're 70 hours in and for the story to start picking up there is a little odd to me, obviously i'm not saying that there should be no downtime but a lot of the game just feels empty in some points. and while getting back to the point where you are in the beginning of the game is satisfying, the way joker survives akechi's assassination feels really convoluted and it almost feels like it's trying just a smidge too hard trying to outsmart akechi. his confidant and boss fight are good but his redemption feels a bit undeserved. i understand that akechi was being used by an unredeemable adult so the phantom thieves would empathize with him, but to still offer him a spot on the team after everything he has done gives me such mixed feelings about this scene. i don't think akechi is unredeemable but to have it allowed to him so soon feels off.

we soon reach the conclusion of this game, entering the depths of mementos. everything surrounding this point of the game does feel good including the story and the palace, the only thing that weakens this moment for me is the boss which for me was a giant hp sponge. and after, you summon satanael, you swiftly take care of the false god standing before you with the will of your rebellious spirit which i think is another fantastic scene in this game. fitting for a conclusion.

this would be the ending normally but there are still some lose ends that are left for you unravel. if you completed certain confidants before the ending of the game, with those confidants being kasumi, akechi, and maruki, you unlock the third semester and extra content in it. these characters are integral to this part of the story which makes sense why you can't access it if you don't have them maxed.

I have to admit, i was really caught off guard by how fast they threw you into the third semester but that is not a complaint coming from me. it's impressive how well it shifts into the third semester.

you find yourself in a strange reality where the only ones who were left intact were you and akechi and i have to say, akechi is really good in third semester. it makes perfect sense why you would want to pair up with akechi in this scenario because not only do you guys have a common goal but also it would be suicide to enter attempt to tackle this unknown enemy by yourself. i believe akechi says so himself too. this is the scenario where putting aside your differences with akechi makes sense and him going completely mask off is really entertaining as well. i love akechi as your navigator. this is also when you discover the truth of this reality.

maruki is pulling the strings as we see when kasumi, now known as sumire, recalls the death of her older sister, who is actually kasumi. this was done because the pain was too much to bear. similar things have happened to our party members as well. all of them are living in their perfect world where their most painful experiences never happened, a world where you wouldn't have to endure any pain.

this makes maruki a most interesting antagonist because he has no intentions of harming anyone and this moral dilemma is just as interesting as maruki. would it be selfish for the phantom thieves to be robbing people of a world where no one has to experience any mental anguish again? is there anything wrong for wanting to be in a world where you get to live out your happiest days forever? it is an interesting discussion to partake in and by this point in the story it really makes you think. i now see why so many people think this is the best part of the game by far.

of course we all know what the correct decision is in this situation is. you have to live in the reality that allowed you to forge your own path with the friends you made weather the circumstances were desirable or not. this isn't an easy decision for the characters, and i imagine this isn't easy for a lot of people to choose in the real world. it is also revealed that akechi is actually formed by maruki in this world which means he will revert back to being deceased after you defeat maruki. akechi is willing to sacrifice himself because to him, this is a fate worse than death.

the grand finale is upon us, and what a finale it is. the boss fight with maruki is pretty standard, i like his gimmicks and the boss is really well designed. even in this last battle, he still wants to reason with you and convince you to stay in this paradise he created. what really gets me though is the ending to this. swear to my bones starts playing while you have to fight maruki 1 on 1 without any powers. it's a fist fight between 2 people who have reached their limits, two people that are by this point very weak and tired, but they still want to fight for their ideal world. an incredible final battle to end of this game.

now there's nothing left but the true ending. and it is a happy one, everything is back to the way it was before. no exceptions. while everyone immediately feels the effects to their actions. they don't regret their decision. you say goodbye to your friends because you have to move back to your down and once you finish, you return to your home.

well that would be the case if the game stuck to it's guns but the ending is soured for me because it is implied that akechi is alive at the end of the game. which feels like the most egregious betrayal of the third semester's narrative. i feel like this moment really encapsulates my criticisms with this game.

this game is not a bad game at all, but i do feel like it is lacking in some areas, and at times, falls flat on it's face. but even then this game was a great time and i do not regret the time i spent on it.

Super Mario Bros. Wonder is an incredible game, a game that makes me feel the same way I did playing Mario games as a kid. This game should be the golden standard of not only 2d platformers, but video games, period.
From the minute you boot up the game everything feels amazing, from the visuals of the game to the simple things as the sound design. I'm not one to notice small things in video games, but when I do, I am completely astonished. The little touches in this game remind me of the little touches in the Metal Gear franchise, different sound effects depending on when you jump depending on if you're small, big, or an elephant, a cymbal crash when you ground pound, all these little small details just make a game like Wonder feel full of life and personality.
I simply could not get enough of this game, I played it early and I just could not put it down, completing all the games levels, getting all of the unlockable levels, badges, collectable coins, wonder seeds, golden flagpoles and more. It felt like being a child all over again. In the New Super Mario Bros. games that preceded this, getting the collectables felt like a mindless chore full of tedium. The coins were hidden in boring locations like a hidden wall, or maybe some random corner next to a pipe, little consideration for the game's main collectables made it incredibly unfun.
Wonder does not have this issue, the main collectable, the Wonder Seeds, are fun to collect. The unique mechanics in almost every level of the game make it feel super cool to just grab a Wonder Seed, and they don't overstay their welcome either. Most levels have 2 Wonder Seeds, one for the Wonder Flower and the other for when you beat the level, on rare occasions, levels will have 3 Wonder Seeds, the extra being for a level secret. The side collectables are the 10-Purple Coins, these are more akin to the Star Coins from the New Super Mario Bros. Games, however they feel far more considered and don't feel like cheap, sidelined collectables in order to check off a box showing that they have collectables. They feel rewarding, but aren't too challenging to find, always feeling like a nice treat whenever they're found.
The game's badge system is incredible to me, I found so much enjoyment in collecting the badges and using whichever one I liked the most, however I do feel that some badges should've either been part of Mario's moveset at the start or permanently unlocked as a part of his moveset, I feel this only rings true for 2 badges though, the Triple Jump and the Dolphin Kick. I also dislike how because of the badge system, all characters got their attributes stripped, (i.e. Luigi doesn't jump higher and have more traction, Peach doesn't come with a float, and the Toads aren't faster with lower jumps.) Other than that, the badge system feels incredibly fun and refreshing and allows for you to pull off so many things you would've never previously been able to do without use of a power-up or something of similar vein.
This game is an expert when it comes to secrets, every secret in this game feels expertly crafted, making you wonder how you missed it in the first place whenever you end up finding it, and the rewards for doing so are always incredible. In World 1, finding a secret unlocks you 3 more levels, and the access to the game's Special World, with the games hardest challenges. There is an entrance to the special world in each world and most of them are fun to find and give the player strong rewards like more enjoyable levels. The game is also incredible at telegraphing to the player when they've actually discovered all the game has to offer in a level or world, there is a checkmark that shows up once you've found everything in a level or the entire world, making sure you don't get completely lost looking for that last Wonder Seed.
Reports of this game's development also make Wonder feel even sweeter, knowing that the developers had no hard deadline until they felt ready to release the game, allowing them to experiment however they wanted and implement incredible gameplay mechanics and polishing the game incredibly well to the point I hadn't seen a single bug in the game. Just knowing that Nintendo allowed the developers to work their magic however they saw fit makes this game feel all the nicer to play, sharing those smiles with the developers in certain areas that they probably smiled while making too.
All in all, Super Mario Bros. Wonder is an incredible game that completely sticks the landing, sure there are tiny bumps here or there, but other than that I feel that Super Mario Bros. Wonder is the best 2d Mario game to date, one of the best Mario games in general, and one of the greatest platformers of all time. Do yourself a favorite and go pick up this incredibly wonderful game.

richter slayer and jeffrey epstein

Well since i’m using this site more, i thought i’d write a proper review.

i’m not gonna lie when i first started this game i really wasn’t feeling it. i didn’t have any issues with the tactics menu like most people, for my case, i feel like it was the unfair difficulty making it feel just unfun. i just felt like i hit a brick wall, not to mention failing to understand tartarus wasn’t doing the game any favors so i dropped it and went to play persona 4 instead. i beat 4, then i made the choice to revisit this game and i’m REALLY glad i did.

after i got my experience with persona 4, things just kinda clicked for me. tartarus started slowly becoming easier and after getting to around the middle of the game i was having fun overcoming the tartarus bosses since i actually was able to fuse more than adequate personas to deal with them. speaking of bosses, the full moon bosses were never an issue, in-fact i always looked forward to them. another thing i grew to love in this game was the soundtrack. i thought it was kinda boring at first, like i mentioned previously i looked forward to the full moon bosses not only they were fun but i think master of shadow is one of the best songs in the game. i’m not sure how to describe it but it was boring at first, like some of the songs sorta blended into each other? i guess that’s the best way i can really explain it. although the songs definitely started to ramp up in quality and grow on me thanks to changing seasons and especially to the songs that play during the final month of the game.

one thing that didn’t have to grow on me though was the characters and social links, i found them to be really interesting. side characters like akinari or kazushi were quite enjoyable, even the party members who didn’t have them still felt more than compelling with characters such as junpei or akihiko coming to mind immediately. i personally think the characters were handled amazingly in this game. the awakenings of each party member’s ultimate personas were nothing short of stellar. these awakenings has so much emotion and weight to them i cannot say how amazing they were enough. not a single one of them felt questionable or undeserved for their respective character. the answer gave these characters additional depth too, aigis is obvious but near the end of the answer, it felt like they were truly alive with conflicting ideals and motives to say the least without spoiling.

despite all of these high praises, this game has quite a lot of issues. the main thing everyone points out is the lack of controllable party members and while it is true that i didn’t bother me much since in this game the ai is built around it, you will still not get the accuracy and strategies will always be more limited and have more rng involved. another thing i mentioned at the beginning was saying that the tartarus bosses got more manageable and well by the later part of the game these tartarus bosses put me through the wringer. nearly all of the tartarus bosses by late game are actually miserable and not fair at all. these 2 problems only get worse when going through the answer, the bosses require so much coordination since they’re the worst of tartarus bosses having evasion moves of what they’re weak to with usually 2 or 3 more of the same style of foe that the poor tactics really start to show it’s cracks. a lot of these bosses are just tests of patience and will power i will not lie. i recall that i was fighting this one boss that had a move that my main character was weak to which did nearly no damage so yukari would heal me and since you have to spend a turn getting back up after you get knocked down, i was just in an infinite loop until that one attack missed. you can also not do any of the girl’s social links because all of them become romantic without any input or rejection from the player.

i don’t blame anyone if they really hate these issues so much. weirdly enough i found some sort of admiration to these soul crushing bosses from how difficult they were. there’s probably more but these are the ones that pop up in my head
this game is no where near perfect and again, i really can’t blame you if you don’t like this game but personally i think it’s phenomenal and very fulfilling when i finished both stories of this game, it’s almost bitter to let this game go after pouring so much time into it but everything has to come to an end at some point, and i’m glad it reached the goal.

I love jumping into specific pits and getting to skip entire levels more games should do this im not even lying