Neat game! However it's defs in the "if you didn't finish this in one sitting, you wont ever" genre.

Early kickstarter game I remember being some light-fun. Pretty sure the game was Crazy Taxi but you did Tony Hawk tricks?

An interesting spin on turn-based tactics. I think the thing that makes me not want to return is how it approaches difficulty. To clear later levels, I am doing tedious micro-managing that doesn't gel well with the thematic framing.

In John Wick Hex it is easy to do badly, difficult to do well. The "John Wick" part of this framing makes me feel it should be easy to do well, but then difficult to do extremely well. If in development instead of framing the difficulty as "did you beat that guy and mange to take minimal damage with your current focus?", it was phrased "how many of those guys did you beat with your current focus?", we would have gotten something more fun.

Having a xx% hit chance against regular goons in a John Wick game, just feels wrong.

Interesting? Like weirdly I can see a through-line from this to mechanics in the Arkham games??? Plus some interesting art style choices (although I never checked if it was the game or Dolphin quirking the game up?)

I don't know. On paper I should enjoy this? It just didn't do anything for me.

Honestly didn't know what I was expecting. Great pallet cleanser after AC6 tho.

I think this might be the best Killzone game? But I'm not going to get my Vita out of storage to finish it. I would honestly love to someday see a port, or even a much larger sequel.

System Shock 1, but plays like 2 (aka playable by humans).

I'm usually pretty anti-"play remake over original", but even someone like me understands people have limits. If you have played and enjoyed other games with the suffix "shock", check it out!

Game good, music good, I'm absolutely trash at it.

Once the novelty of "What do you mean they made an Dragonball themed Asymmetrical Horror Game™?!?!" wears off, the game itself is as good as you'd expect.

Still, worth checking out for the price of free.

One of the (I think the only really) Kickstarter games I got burned by. I didn't finish it, and it sounds like I was better off for it.

Enjoyed it for a while years ago. But now we live in a world with Neon White. So I will probs just go back to that or CS surf maps instead if I ever get the first person platformer itch.

A pretty under looked game in the genre of So Bad It's Good™.

I wouldn't recommend actually playing it, but if you can get some friends over, get some drinks, and get one of THEM to be the one playing. Great time.

Short of that, here a string of mini-LPs to take you through this games multiple endings.

Interesting premise, I originally stopped playing about 2 hours in. I feel like if I had heard anybody talk about this game in the last 2 years, I would have been motivated to return. However with that not being the case, I'm left to assume there is no interesting spin or twist, and those first 2 hours is indicative of what the whole game is.

The way you could skip floors was neat.