Cool concept, I don't think I need to finish it.

Started the campaign, I don't think I'll ever go back to finish it (unless it comes to PC). I do remember some pretty interesting MP modes existed for it that I would like to see return to Infinite.

A pretty under looked game in the genre of So Bad It's Good™.

I wouldn't recommend actually playing it, but if you can get some friends over, get some drinks, and get one of THEM to be the one playing. Great time.

Short of that, here a string of mini-LPs to take you through this games multiple endings.

One of the (I think the only really) Kickstarter games I got burned by. I didn't finish it, and it sounds like I was better off for it.

Free on PS+, scratched an itch to "shoot thing but on controller" for a couple days. Nothing really to say about it.

Interesting premise, I originally stopped playing about 2 hours in. I feel like if I had heard anybody talk about this game in the last 2 years, I would have been motivated to return. However with that not being the case, I'm left to assume there is no interesting spin or twist, and those first 2 hours is indicative of what the whole game is.

The way you could skip floors was neat.

I have always thought "I don't care what a game looks like, how does it play". Styx proves there is always an exception to the rule. If this game wasn't standard medieval-fantasy ass people in caves/castles, I might have come back and finished it.

I have 20 minutes played in January 2014. I remember it being neat, and the soundtrack being nice with it?

I would need to suddenly enjoy Star Wars more, or have an easier way to play this game, to ever finish it.

I own a weird Airwing controller peripheral thanks to this game. A neat gaming curio that isn't enough for me to return to this game.

Since playing this I did play and enjoy my first Ace Combat (aka Armored Core with jets), so that's something?

I know it's not fair at all, but thanks to the passage of time I now live in a world where Neon White is one of my favourite games. I don't think I will ever return to this.

Product of it's Time™
Did you know less than 2 years prior, San Andreas (the best GTA) came out? Time sure is weird. I swear I'll play through Saint's Row 2 one of these days.

Fun, but if I ever get the urge to play again, it will probably be one of the more fleshed out sequels.

Interesting concept, I just don't have that dog in me to finish the match 3 RPG.

What I played while delightful, I think too basic for me to have a feeling of needing to finish. A younger (or newer) game player in your life might love this!