It's weird. This is better than the first one, and I have more time played in it than the first one. But I also have no urge to play any more OlliOlli. If I ever do, I will just go on to play more of World.

If you haven't played OlliOlli and for some reason don't just skip to World. I recommended just playing 2 over 1 any day.

Mario well made, Mario fun, it's a Mario. I got what I needed from it, I have no urge to complete.

[Insert "The REAL DMC 2" Joke]
This game is a curio. Worth checking out if you are a DMC fan, hell even if you are a Nightmare Before Christmas fan. Interesting ideas here (some that clearly make their way from here to later DMC games), but not an overall interesting game worth finishing imo.

Interesting until tedious. I don't regret playing, but I also don't see myself ever returning.

I hesitate moving this from shelved to abandoned. Assault Spy (from what I remember) is very well made. It scratched an itch I needed desperately needed when it came out in early access early 2018. However a year later when I found out it went to 1.0, was the same time a little game named Devil May Cry 5 was releasing.

Maybe someday we will return to a dark age where "Action Games (Good)" stop being made, and I return to Assault Spy to finish it. Sadly I hope that day never comes. If an Assault Spy 2 is ever released, I will buy it day one out of penance.

Cute art, played for a couple hours when it was one of the 3 PS4 games I had near launch.
Contra: The Shlooter might be someone elses speed more than mine. The "numbers get bigger" needle kept me going for a couple hours. But not enough to ever finish it.

Better than you think, not as good as you'd hope. This game is on the very short list of "I watched a youtube LP and bought it on Steam sale". But with what it is being pretty basic, the only driving factor to play it for more than an hour is to see the end. Which I did in said LP (shout out SBFs).

If you are the one person that is itching for more PS2-era God of War because its gameplay is what you crave:
1. I recommend Marlow Briggs
2. Maybe dip your toes into the deep end of the pool and play DMC 3

If I ever am in the situation of showing someone "no for real! Clive Barker put his name on a video game!", I would just show them Undying.

Like the art style, but even 2 years after first playing it, I have no strong memories about how it played other than circle-strafing and M1. I heard there is a sequel now too? Unless someone gushes about this game to me in person, I don't think I'm going back to it.

Product of it's Time™

Remember having fun with it late into high-school, but that was more to do with playing with friends than the game itself. No urge to go back and finish.


I think I was an hour from the end? I kinda remember it being interesting? Not enough to stay on the backlog.

In Mafia 2, the open world barely existed to highlight the tedium of the day job that is the Mafia. In Mafia 3 it's the Open World Template™, and Mafia 3 really wants you do engage heavily with it.

For some people that is good time, for me it's a replant that made me drop what is otherwise, an interesting game.

Enjoyed it for a while years ago. But now we live in a world with Neon White. So I will probs just go back to that or CS surf maps instead if I ever get the first person platformer itch.

I don't know why this didn't click for me the same way Hitman GO did. Still a solid game that is worth checking out if you're already interested.

It's fine. I don't see a need to play this unless you ran out of all the other more interesting Zelda games and you just really need that fix.