At best (and not knowing what happened behind their development) it's a RE4 wannabe with funny horny jokes that can be fun playing it once, at worst it's a very linear and unoriginal shooter that feels disjointed and lackluster, movement and weapon use are clunky, the X360 has some rendenring issues at times, battles can be either tedious or way too easy, on the good side it has some good music tracks via SH's main composer and character design is cool to look at (made by Hayashida Q, author of Dorohedoro).
I don't know who I would recommend this tho, if you found it for free or someone gave it to you, you can try it out of curiousity, if not, don't go out of your way to play it as feels like a waste of time overall.

A great game that set the foundation to the Metroidvania genre and indeed it still holds itself to this day, the great music and sprite work/visuals are beautiful, game level design and fight mechanics are great (but gotta admit it has been superseeded by later titles, doesn't mean isn't good on it's own but if you played a later titles like Aria, Ecclesia or even their spiritual succesor Bloodstained and then try playing this one it might feel odd).
I would recommend to anyone who played and enjoyed today's metroidvanias or anyone who are interested in starting to play such titles.

Coming as a spinoff of the Tokimeki Memorial series this title is pretty fun!, the third game softened the challenge to romance any of the boys compared to the two oher games and added some cool new mechanics to spice up this highschool love story.

This PSP version replace the stiff pngs of the DS with Live2D models and imo I wouldn't go back to the DS version for the touch screen support as this offers a combination of long pressed buttons and analog stick to simulate getting close to them, apart from that it also adds some 3D sims-ish mode where you can check on the main love interest routine in their room (dictated by real time).

Mechanics wise is easy to understand but hard to master, you juggle your social life, romantic life and school life all-together, don't overdo yourself or you will collapse from stress (literally), all NPC have their likes and dislikes and places you can find them around the city, overall this game was made to be replayable as there's secrets all over the city and the story itself.
Would recommend to people who are into dating games and want to experience a cute, comfy game full of detailed systems and secrets.

This is game is fun but long and tedious at times, while the battle system is easy to understand, the time limit, questing and alchemy are more difficult to grasp (no shame in looking into guides and other documentation for this game).
The story is fun and heartwarming with lots of interactions, you can play with both POV of the main characters and doing so will change some interactions here and there, visual department is nice, characters animations for story and exploring/battling are functional, the illustrations are so pretty (made by Hidari who also worked for Record of Lodoss and some FE games), music is nice as well (and if you don't like it you can change it with songs from other Atelier titles).
I would recommend this game to people who are willing to put long hours into rpgs and are interested in intricate mechanics.

This is thought one, the game lacks depth in their mechanics and feels frustrating, finishing quests means farming in one specific area with one mob and such, kinda generic story, you gotta babysit your entire party everytime because the AI is missing that I truly, even the music was lackluster.