ember is the most relatable trans girl in any video game

I remembered this being better than it was. Thoroughly average shooter.

they managed to make a "get spotted and you fail" stealth section that i actually enjoyed in a video game for once, which i think deserves major props

cute, fun tech demo, a really nice reminder of how endearing the world of portal is.

It's outstanding to me how incredible the production and care of this is considering how small the team working on it is. I don't want to sound hyperbolic but I truly believe this will be considered a classic of the form in the future, and its staggering to be here on the ground floor. I wonder if this is how it felt to play Higurashi when it was originally coming out.

There's so much I could say about this game in particular, but all of this story is so worth experiencing first hand and not from some chucklehead's review on game logging website. All I'll say is that Sophie and team do such an incredible job juggling humour, sincerity, tragedy, humanity and horror that its ridiculous to me that not Everyone is talking about Spare Parts.

Long live SpaPa.