The sheer joy of moving in this game has to be experienced. Would definitely be better with a map, though.

An intriguing giallo inspired atmosphere let down by a truly abysmal implementation of Tank Controls that when adjusted either leaves you unable to turn while running or unwieldly spin about in place making aiming a nightmare, coupled with an autosave system that means losing 45 minutes worth of progress should you die. Frustrating as I wanted to see it through but was just too exhausting by the end.

Nothin' but bangers in this game.
Let's Hear It For the Boy, singleladies.mid., So Kawaii!, that one Bubsy song, The Boy's Funeral Dirge, all classics.

The segment with the bats was neat and the last Act was really solid and fun, especially the levels made by People Can Fly. The rest of it is very much the Baseline of what a cover based Third Person Shooter in 2006 would be, but it Invented* that, so I can't be too cruel.

A fun little diversion, and I'm always a sucker for a good Wave Based Survival Mode. Not incredibly significant in terms of Plot but Matthew Porretta and Ilkka Villi combined do a great job chewing the scenery as Mr. Scratch.

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very fun. love ada.
kinda wacky that the last two resident evils had DLC campaigns where the last cutscene of both of them is just the post credits scene from the main game completely unaltered?? what's going on there.

they managed to make a "get spotted and you fail" stealth section that i actually enjoyed in a video game for once, which i think deserves major props

It's outstanding to me how incredible the production and care of this is considering how small the team working on it is. I don't want to sound hyperbolic but I truly believe this will be considered a classic of the form in the future, and its staggering to be here on the ground floor. I wonder if this is how it felt to play Higurashi when it was originally coming out.

There's so much I could say about this game in particular, but all of this story is so worth experiencing first hand and not from some chucklehead's review on game logging website. All I'll say is that Sophie and team do such an incredible job juggling humour, sincerity, tragedy, humanity and horror that its ridiculous to me that not Everyone is talking about Spare Parts.

Long live SpaPa.

I'm not really one for the checklist side objective type Open World Experience, or the type of prestige Triple A narrative game experience that Sony mainly deals in these days, but damn, the webswinging and combat were good enough to have me 100% this game just so I could spend a little more time in it.

The narrative has some blemishes and elements that are more than a little unsavoury (Spider-Man's general Cop Proximity and him upholding a Surveillance State Network) but most of the big plot beats and the little character moments with MJ, Aunt May, Miles, Martin Li and Octavius hit in the right spots for a spider-dweeb like myself, so this game was overall a real good time. Don't make me do any more forced stealth segments though.

I couldn't exactly tell you what it is about Side Arms that I like so much. I had never heard of it before it appeared in the virtual arcade of Street Fighter 6's Battle Hub, but immediately upon playing it I clocked it as something of a pseudo sequel to Section Z, a more fondly remembered Capcom shooter from the era.

Side Arms starts incredibly strongly, taking the two button directional shooting from Section Z and combining it with a Gradius style weapon system and really excellent graphics and sound. Side Arms revels in spectacle, and this is exemplified no better than when you find the secret AlphaBeta power up which has both Player 1 and Player 2 to combine into a super robot with a devastating 8 way attack. There's an adorable little transforming animation where the two ships combine and you then gain an extra hit point.

I love the environment design, which manages to stay nice and varied for its entire runtime, but unfortunately the same can't be said to the bosses, which there are only two for the whole game.

Aesthetically a lot was clearly taken from popular robot anime of the time (stage 4 has little Zakus jumping around as enemies and its very cute.) but honestly there's a lot of charm here. The protagonist Mobichan would go on to appear as an easter egg in many other Capcom games, notably on the title screen of Street Fighter 2, and I just don't know, the whole thing is so endearing to me. It's not a perfect game and there are many better shooters out there, but I've got a lot of love in my heart for it.

game is still great but man this ps5 port is jank as hell

cute, fun tech demo, a really nice reminder of how endearing the world of portal is.

ember is the most relatable trans girl in any video game

Enjoyable take on Peggle gameplay, a little too much volatility on the RNG though. Sometimes you just get an unworkable build and there isn't really anything you can do. Adorable character art and vibe though.

adorable little kero blaster type run and gun that doesn't outstay its welcome.