181 Reviews liked by Wormhorse

I mean it controls fine for an on-rails shooter, I just think the idea of shooting underaged girls until they orgasm just kinda fucked.

This is hands down the worst game I've ever played.
The guns don't work properly, the humor is on the same level as a middle schooler, the mission design is boring and tedious, the AI is dumb as dog shit, A KARMA METER IN A POSTAL GAME, the graphics look shit even for the time, the voice acting is awful, worst of all is the game itself is so broken and unfinished I'd have to keep save stating because it felt like I was playing a game made out of sticks and glue.
First Playthrough 11 Crashes
Second Playthrough 20 Crashes
Total Crashes 31

nope I'm done fuck this I can't even finish it

Marx is a rat bastard I hope he rots in hell.

Flanders is the most powerful character in fiction.

(This is less of a review of the game but rather the overall product itself, I will have individual reviews for each game once I get around to finishing them.)

the video game equivalent of The Restoration of Christ
I think the only positive aspects I can say about these remasters is that it plays fine, the driving feels a lot more like 5 and I'm more or less ok with that; unfortunately, that's where all the positives end.

The lighting and graphics do look nice, but they also take away the atmosphere of the original games. The worst I've seen it done is with 3, where the dank and seedy Liberty City is replaced with a very bright and normal-looking Liberty City; scrubbing away all of the charm that map had. I think Vice City got off with the least amount of changes to its atmosphere changes, but that's mostly because this is Miami so it's a lot less hard to fuck up.
All the audio is still super compressed but I won't get too angry over this considering they probably lost the audio a long time ago, considering these games are nearly 20 years old that's probably the latter.

The less said about the models the better. I understand what they were trying to do with them, trying to keep the more cartoony style that Anthony Macbain did, but smoothing everything out and giving them better textures and actual hands. The downside is that many of them just come off as either super off-putting or flat-out god awful, SA got this the worst with character models that look like they were ripped right out of Dream.

As remasters they fail to truly capture the world and feel of the original PS2 games, and as the Definitive way to play them; it fails at that too since it looks worse but it's also lacking a lot of music from the games, and some missions were taken out because of censorship.

Out of the hours I've spent playing the three games I say I feel SA got it the worst when it came to its newer models, 3 got it the worst with its newer graphics destroying its best feature, and Vice City got it the worst with a tone of iconic 80's music missing and censored mission that also got removed.

If I had to give a rating to them right now UUUUUMMMM
Vice City: 5 or 4/10
SA: 4 or 3/10
3: 2/10

As for the whole package
there is no reason for this game to be released in this condition, and Rockstar should be ashamed that their name is even on this game.

There are very few lines I won't cross for the life of me, this is one of them.

this is a pretty funny joke, alright now let's see the real game................oh.......................oh god how embarrassing.

If you know anything about this game's development you should really feel sorry for the developers, Big Red Button tried making a good sonic game and SEGA just fuck them over with all of these awful decisions and resulted in this mess.

This is some Satan shit right here

My boi Jason deserves better.

This is the epitome of a game that just doesn't give a single fuck