181 Reviews liked by Wormhorse

Nothing in life will make me feel happier than seeing my friends watch me play what is possibly one of the most soulless attempts at tricking kids into wasting their parent's money.

At least they actually tried this time around, I mean they did the bare minimum in terms of making an actual “game” but credit where credit is due this is an actual game now. Not a good game but a game nonetheless.

So I'm just gonna tell you something, I think this is better than 64.............oh sweet someone just through a brick through one of my windows just by saying that...........neat

Just when you think Poppy Playtime had TOO much integrity.

I don't even know what I just watched??????

That duck siren is probably one of the most out of left field things I've ever in media, please watch with friends, preferably with alcohol.

Why yes I do beat my saber when I'm alone and depressed how did you know.

do you think Ratchet has a small penis?

I'm not in the video game shit post review business, I'm in the empire business

No sir I will not "Hail to the King", this is America and we live in a Democratic Society; I will not be controlled by your monarchy Mr. Nukem

It's so weird to have actually played a Postal game that is
1; Not janky as fuck
2: Not glitchy as fuck.

I mean this honestly when I say that Postal Brain Damaged is one of the most fast-passed shooters I've had the pleasure of playing in some time. Granted not everything is perfect, a lot of the jokes in this are references that will absolutely age like milk (one of the bosses is literally just Covid), but that's just Postal in a nutshell, some of the jokes will land and other will fall flat. I love the simplistic pixelated style the game goes for, I love how since this is The Postal Dude's dream a lot of the stuff in the levels will have symbolism of how The Postal Dude sees the world; it's not deep or on the same level as Psychonauts but it's a nice touch they really didn't need to add.

This game was a joy to play and it's definitely one I'm gonna come back to later.

Can't believe Elden Ring ripped off Kirby.

This game brings me back to a bygone era where flash games was still a thing and Cool Math Games was the shit

You know people said this game had mind-controlling properties but I just played like 2 hours worth and I feel fine. Honestly, I feel a lot better than fine I feel amazing, like playing the game heightened all of my senses, I could see every micro-pixel on the screen, I could hear something from insides my Neighbor's house that's 19 blocks down the street, and I could play the whole game with my eyes closed just from listening to the audio.
This truly is one of the best games of that decade, hell I would go as far as to say it's one of the greatest games ever invented, it truly is something that every gamer should play in their life.

It made me feel complete.

On an unrelated note, I just signed up to be a part of the US Military.

i literally turned down sex to play this game